Ride Route 6 - Cortez Road
MCAT Route 6- Cortez Road travels between the DeSoto Station and Anna Maria Island. Service runs Monday through Saturday except for holidays.
Ride Route 75 - Beach ConneXion Shuttle
MCAT Route 75- Beach ConneXion shuttle travels between Manatee Public Beach and Village Green Parkway. Service runs on Sundays only.
Ride Route 8 - Oneco / Bayshore
MCAT Route 8- Oneco/Bayshore travels between Walmart/ 53rd Ave E and the Desoto Station. Service runs Monday through Saturday except for holidays.
Ride Route 9 - 9th Avenue W / 26th Street W
MCAT Route 9 travels between the Downtown Station and State College of Florida/ 26th Street West. Service runs Monday through Friday except for holidays.
Ride Route 99 - Bradenton / Sarasota
MCAT Route 99- Bradenton/Sarasota travels between the MCAT Downtown Station and the Sarasota Downtown Station. Service runs Monday through Sunday except for holidays.
Ride the Handy Bus - ADA
Information about how to ride the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) Handy Bus for passengers in need of ADA service.
Ride the Handy Bus - Transportation Disadvantaged
Information about how to ride the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) Handy Bus for passengers that meet the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) service requirements.
Ride the Port Manatee Connection Shuttle (PMX)
Information about riding the MCAT Port Manatee Connection Shuttle.
Schedule a Building Inspection
Inspections and Inspectors Information
Schedule a Travel Training Appointment
Information about the Fixed Route Travel Training program.
Schedule an EMS Presentation
We are committed to providing education to help prevent injuries and illnesses.
Schedule Transportation: Transportation Disadvantaged Program
Passengers who meet state eligibility requirements, which include income guidelines, are able to schedule advance reservation, Door to Door, shared ride public transportation on a Handy Bus under the Transportation Disadvantaged Program.
Search Local Affordable Housing:
This is a free, state resource for renters and property managers in Florida. Dynamic search options can help you find available rental housing fit your needs and income.
Search Permit Records
How to Search Permit Records
Seek Assistance with VA Life Insurance
Assisting with Access to Life Insurance Benefits
Set Up A New Commercial Utilities Account
Commercial deposits are required to set up a new commercial account.
Set Up a New Utilities Account for New Construction
County residents can apply for a new water meter installation for new construction by calling Manatee County Utilities Customer Service.
Set Up New Sewer Lines for Existing Structures
Sewer lines may be extended by special assessment/non-assessment projects.
Severe Weather Transportation Services - MCAT
Manatee County Area Transit transports members of the community who are on the Special Needs Registry to public evacuation shelters when required by a severe weather event.
Sign up for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten
1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a self-paced early literacy program that encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their children before they start kindergarten.