Services and Contacts
Register Real Property in Foreclosure and Lien Search
On September 8, 2014, the Manatee County Registration of Real Properties in Foreclosure became fully automated. This service is provided by Orange Data Systems.
Report A Code Complaint
Call 311 to report a compliant
Report and Unlicensed Contractor
Florida law requires contractors to be licensed. Hiring an unlicensed contractor is a violation of Florida Statute 455.228 and is subject to a fine of up to $5,000
Information and FAQ's
All real property in foreclosure must be registered with the County and pay a $200.00 registration fee per property. Foreclosure Registry Ordinance No. 14-19 approved on February 25, 2014, went into effect on April 1, 2014. County Code was updated via Ordinance No. 18-43, approved on October 23, 2018.
Not in most cases. As of July 1, 2021, due to the passage of Florida State Statute 162, a code enforcement officer may not initiate enforcement of a potential violation of a code or ordinance by way of an anonymous complaint. Therefore, a person who wishes to report a potential violation must provide their name and address before enforcement may proceed. This does not apply if the code enforcement officer has reason to believe that the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources. Any information you provide will become a public record.
To register a property with Manatee County, navigate to Orange Data. Select "Register Your Property." If you don't have an account, choose "Create an Account" and follow the provided steps. For those with an existing account, log in using your credentials. Remember, property registration is only complete upon payment. You'll receive a confirmation email once your property is successfully registered. If you have a bulk property registration involving 10 or more properties, it's best to contact Orange Data Systems. If you need assistance during the registration process or encounter website issues, contact Orange Data Systems via email at or by phone at 407-965-4245.
To report an unlicensed contractor, call (941) 749-3084
There are 18 officers with assigned zones and three lieutenants that handle special assignments (i.e., Nuisance Abatement, Sexual Oriented Businesses, Pain Management Clinics, Unlicensed Contractor Enforcement, Unsafe Structures and Massage Parlors)
A $200.00 registration fee is required per property.
The officers will rearrange their schedules to do evening and weekend work.
It is an effective strategy for reducing crime and improving the quality of life for residents. How a house and property are maintained can significantly impact crime rates and overall neighborhood safety.
Both owners and renters can enhance the security of their homes and contribute to creating a neighborhood that discourages crime by following some straightforward guidelines.
Learn more about CPTED by viewing the CPTED brochure.
Home-Operated Businesses: Some restrictions might apply. Call (941) 749-3070 to learn how to get your home-based business up and running.
Address Numbers: Residential and commercial numbers must be a height of at least 4 inches and 6 inches, respectively, and on a structure that is visible from the street.
Outdoor Storage: Can only be stored in a rear yard and screened from view in an area that is no more than 200 SF.
Overgrown Yards: Properties must be mowed and maintained. Grass should be less than 16” in height to avoid unsanitary conditions.
Agricultural Animals: Residential properties are allowed to have up to 4 hens in a chicken coop or poultry house which measures at least 4 SF per hen. No other agricultural animals, including roosters, are allowed.
Trash & Debris: Must be properly stored in designated containers on the property.
Prohibited Signs: Not permitted in the public right of way. Learn how to display signs and announcements properly by calling (941) 749-3070.
Inoperable Vehicles: Any vehicle which is not permitted to operate on public roads under State of Florida laws is not allowed on a property, unless it is kept in an enclosed garage or building. Registration tags must be on all vehicles.
Restricted Vehicles: Must be stored in the side or rear yard or entirely within a carport or garage and not occupied, unless it is in an RV park.
Commercial Vehicles: In most areas, one commercial vehicle per residential property is permitted but must be parked off street in a garage, carport or driveway. Call (941) 748-2071 with any questions.
Vacant Properties: Properties that are vacant or in foreclosure must be registered through Manatee County Code Enforcement. Learn more
Building Permits: Required for new construction, renovations and alterations. This includes roofs, additions, pools and sheds. Call Development Services at (941) 749-3078 to learn more.
Contractor Licensing: All contractors performing work for which a license is required under Florida Statute 489 must be licensed and registered in Manatee County. Call Development Services at (941) 749-3078 with any registration questions.
Address Numbers: Residential and commercial numbers must be a height of at least 4 inches and 6 inches, respectively, and on a structure that is visible from the street.
Outdoor Storage: Can only be stored in a rear yard and screened from view in an area that is no more than 200 SF.
Overgrown Yards: Properties must be mowed and maintained. Grass should be less than 16” in height to avoid unsanitary conditions.
Agricultural Animals: Residential properties are allowed to have up to 4 hens in a chicken coop or poultry house which measures at least 4 SF per hen. No other agricultural animals, including roosters, are allowed.
Trash & Debris: Must be properly stored in designated containers on the property.
Prohibited Signs: Not permitted in the public right of way. Learn how to display signs and announcements properly by calling (941) 749-3070.
Inoperable Vehicles: Any vehicle which is not permitted to operate on public roads under State of Florida laws is not allowed on a property, unless it is kept in an enclosed garage or building. Registration tags must be on all vehicles.
Restricted Vehicles: Must be stored in the side or rear yard or entirely within a carport or garage and not occupied, unless it is in an RV park.
Commercial Vehicles: In most areas, one commercial vehicle per residential property is permitted but must be parked off street in a garage, carport or driveway. Call (941) 748-2071 with any questions.
Vacant Properties: Properties that are vacant or in foreclosure must be registered through Manatee County Code Enforcement. Learn more
Building Permits: Required for new construction, renovations and alterations. This includes roofs, additions, pools and sheds. Call Development Services at (941) 749-3078 to learn more.
Contractor Licensing: All contractors performing work for which a license is required under Florida Statute 489 must be licensed and registered in Manatee County. Call Development Services at (941) 749-3078 with any registration questions.
Code Enforcement Division
The Code Enforcement team protects the health and safety of residents, businesses, and visitors of Manatee County by providing a fair and effective compliance assistance and enforcement program.2101 47th Terrace E
Bradenton, FL 34203