Request A Proclamation
The Manatee County Commission welcomes the opportunity to recognize exceptional individuals, groups, and events within the County. Proclamations and Certificates of Recognition are ceremonial documents issued by the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners to honor and celebrate events, recognize achievements, or increase public awareness of noteworthy causes, events, milestones, or achievements.
Request a Public Record
Request a Public Record
Request a Rain Barrel
Manatee County residents and businesses can purchase rain barrel kits and arrange for pickups.
Request a Right of Way Use Permit
Instructions on how to apply for a right of way use permit.
Request a Utilities Record
Request Record Drawings
Request a Water Conservation Speaker
Manatee County's Water Conservation Program offers expert speakers for schools and community groups, free irrigation and landscape evaluations, and educational workshops through UF/IFAS Extension. Resources include Florida-Friendly Landscaping guides, Water-Wise Awards for conserving landscapes, and conservation tips from the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Request an Infrastructure Inspection
Information about the Infrastructure Inspections Division and requesting an inspection.
Request an Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a special service, provided to Manatee Library resident cardholders, to obtain materials not available in our library system.
Request an Obituary
Manatee Library can provide copies of local obituaries if available in our
Request Books by Mail or Delivery
Manatee Library offers free delivery of library materials to residents who are not able to visit a library due to a
temporary or long-term physical or visual disability.
Request Electric Bill Payment Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP)
EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices.
Request Impact Fee Annual Reports
Request annual impact fee reports through a public record request.
Request Payment Assistance for Ambulance Fees
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive payment assistance for ambulance fees from Manatee County Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Request Payment Assistance for Prescriptions
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive assistance to cover prescription costs.
Request Road Closure Information
Procedures to request a road closure permit on a Manatee County road.
Request Virtual Inspections
Available Virtual Building Inspections
Requirements for Backflow Testing
Every customer who owns a backflow prevention assembly is required to have the assembly tested annually. Log into your Manatee County Utilities online account to find out when your backflow preventer was last tested and the result of your test.
Research and Learn at the Library
Discover the materials, databases, learning resources, and class that Manatee Library offers to help you conduct research or just learn something new.
Reserve a Library Meeting Room
Meeting Rooms of various sizes are available to reserve at all Manatee Library locations, excluding the Little Discovery Center.
Reserve a Library Study Room
Individual and small group Study Rooms are available to reserve at several Manatee Library locations.