Find Help Understanding Senior Medicaid and Medicare Options
The SHINE program ("Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders") provides free, unbiased, one-on-one Medicare and Medicaid health insurance counseling for seniors.
Find Community Resources for Seniors
Find community resources for seniors living in Manatee County.
Request In-Home Services for Seniors
Request information about in-home services for seniors living in Manatee County.
Ride the Handy Bus - Transportation Disadvantaged
Information about how to ride the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) Handy Bus for passengers that meet the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) service requirements.
Find Library Events and Classes
Manatee Library offers many programs for all ages, special events, storytimes, and classes!
Explore Genealogy
Manatee Library offers an extensive genealogy collection available to the public for in-house use at Central Library, as well as a
selection of general genealogy materials that may be checked out, and online resources including Heritage Quest and FamilySearch (in-library use only).
Reserve a One-to-One Tech Help Appointment
Most Manatee Library locations offer basic one-on-one technology help
with a library staff
member. These 30-minute sessions assist patrons with Androids, iPhones,
laptops, and library eBook and eAudiobook resources.
Request Library Visit
Schedule an informational and educational presentation or storytime from the Library for your students, residents, or business. Also request the Library's presence at an event, festival, or open house.
Request a Library Lobby Stop
Schedule a Pop-Up Library to visit your care facility or retirement
community! Manatee Library's monthly Lobby Stops provide residents with
assistance in registering for a Library card, accessing e-resources and
e-reading materials, and selecting physical materials to check out from the traveling library collection.
Request Books by Mail or Delivery
Manatee Library offers free delivery of library materials to residents who are not able to visit a library due to a
temporary or long-term physical or visual disability.
Request Electric Bill Payment Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP)
EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices.
Request Payment Assistance for Ambulance Fees
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive payment assistance for ambulance fees from Manatee County Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Request Payment Assistance for Prescriptions
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive assistance to cover prescription costs.
Register for Group Fitness Classes
Register for group fitness classes at the GT Bray and John Marble Recreation Centers
Find Resident Resources
A comprehensive list of services available to residents of Manatee County.
Ride the Handy Bus - ADA
Information about how to ride the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) Handy Bus for passengers in need of ADA service.