Become A Recreation Member at G.T. Bray and John Marble Recreation Centers
All of our memberships offer a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of the County’s finest facilities at great savings.
Manage your GT Bray and John Marble memberships
Manage your GT Bray membership or sign up for one.
Open A New Residential Utilities Account
Signing up for opening a new residential Utilities account.
Pay Your EMS Bill
Emergency medical services are billed to the person who received the care regardless of who called 911.
Pay Your Utility Bill
You can pay your Manatee County utility bill online, by phone, by automatic funds transfer, by mail, or in person at one of the drop-off locations provided.
Request a Rain Barrel
Manatee County residents and businesses can purchase rain barrel kits and arrange for pickups.
Request Electric Bill Payment Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP)
EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices.
Set Up A New Commercial Utilities Account
Commercial deposits are required to set up a new commercial account.
Set Up a New Utilities Account for New Construction
County residents can apply for a new water meter installation for new construction by calling Manatee County Utilities Customer Service.
Set Up New Sewer Lines for Existing Structures
Sewer lines may be extended by special assessment/non-assessment projects.