Update to all Clients
Please contact your probation officer if you have questions about your appointment or when to report. It is your responsibility to keep in touch with your probation officer. All probation officer contact numbers are listed on this website.
The Probation Division hours are:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
The Judicial Center public entrance hours are:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
This report is due by the 5th of the month.
If you have any questions, contact your probation officer.
Services and Forms
Comply with Probation Requirements
While first protecting the public, the Manatee County Probation Division is committed to providing ethical, compassionate supervision and monitoring of defendants placed under our charge by the courts in Manatee County.
Find Information About Community Services Work Sites
List of agencies participating in the Community Services Work sites.
Find Information about Pretrial Release
Manatee County Pretrial Release benefits the local Criminal Justice System and surrounding community.
Find Information About the Offender Work Program
This program will provide a sentencing alternative for offenders who could be given the option at the time of sentencing to perform various labor activities for the benefit of the community in lieu of incarceration at the Manatee County Jail.
Find Information About the Pretrial Intervention Program
The Pre-Trial Intervention Program is for first time offenders only.
Information on the DUI Victim Impact Panel Classes
The DUI Victim Impact Panel Program is an awareness program for offenders charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- 2025 - Probation Community Service List (pdf) (177 KB)
- 2025 SCF VIP - DUI SCHOOL.asd (pdf) (165 KB)
- 2025 SPANISH SCF VIP - DUI SCHOOL (pdf) (163 KB)
- Probation Community Service Agency Annual Update Form (pdf) (119 KB)
- Probation Community Service Agency Work Site Agreement From_ (pdf) (175 KB)
- Probation Community Service Agency Work Site Agreement From_ (pdf) (175 KB)
- Probation Community Service Log (pdf) (214 KB)
- Probation Monthly Report (pdf) (207 KB)
- Probation Offender Work Program 2025 (pdf) (399 KB)
- Probation OWP Spanish Brochure -2025 (pdf) (380 KB)
- Probation Spanish Reporte Mensual pdf (docx) (416 KB)
- PTI Community Service Log (pdf) (112 KB)
Information, FAQ's and Contacts
Make your request, provide reasonings for the request, and any other information you feel will help the Judge decide. Things to include: Your full name, Your court case number, and an address to receive a response from the courts. Please keep in mind, that all materials sent to the Judge will become public information under the Sunshine law according to these Florida Statues: Title X: Chapter 119 Title XIX: Chapter 286
you can mail the letter to the address listed below or in person to the Clerk Of Court.
Judges Name
P.O Box 1000
Bradenton, FL 34205
This program will provide a sentencing alternative for offenders who could be given the option at the time of sentencing to perform various labor activities for the benefit of the community in lieu of incarceration at the Manatee County Jail. The program participant is paying his/her debt to society by working in Manatee County, thereby saving the taxpayer money. The Offender Work Program can be an extremely useful jail management tool.
A program participant is required to report to the Offender Work Program Headquarters regardless of the weather with the only exception being if hurricane conditions exist. If the weather prevents work from being done, the program participant may be redirected to other jobs. If the weather makes travel unsafe, the participant will be notified of any cancellation. Manatee County Offender Work Program Headquarters 1640 60th Avenue Drive East Oneco, FL. 34203
Prior to starting the program, a participant must pre-register in person at the office. During registration, a schedule will be developed, and instructions will be given.
A program participant should report wearing clothing suitable for manual labor in prevailing weather conditions. If you are directed to wear protective clothing, you must comply. Wear footwear appropriate for work. Athletic shoes with slip-resistant soles are recommended. No shorts, tank tops, or open toe shoes will be allowed. NO CLOGS OR FLIP FLOPS.
Probation Services Division
Probation Services Manager : Jennifer Burgh
The Probation unit provides post sentencing supervision for misdemeanor cases.
1051 Manatee Avenue West, Hensley Wing, 5th Floor
Bradenton, FL 34205