Services and Contacts
Access Accela Online Services
Access Accela Online Services portal, Instructions and forms, and the Digital Plan Room Help Center
Access the Digital Plan Room Help Center
View information and download documentation related to the Digital Plan Room
Apply for the Affordable Housing Designation as a Developer
Access information about Affordable Housing Designations in Manatee County and apply for Affordable Housing Status through Neighborly.
Download Development Services Instructions, Fees, and Forms
Download Development Services Instructions, Fee Schedules, and Forms.
Find Historic Preservation Board Meeting Information
Manatee County protects its historical resources in order to preserve the cultural, architectural and archaeological history of the County, and to provide opportunities for education, aesthetic value and passive enjoyment of the resources.
Find Your Impact Fee Transportation District
Use the interactive map below or view it in a new window to search your address and find your district.
Request Impact Fee Annual Reports
Request annual impact fee reports through a public record request.
Search Map for Development Projects and Public Hearings
Search Development Projects and Public Hearings on the interactive map viewer.
Validate if a Street Name is Already Used
Use this tool to search for a street name using SOUNDEX or Reserved Street Name List in Unincorporated Manatee County.
View Land Development Regulations
View the Manatee County Code of Ordinances, Land Development Code, and Comprehensive Plan along with supporting documents and amendment information.
View Public Works Standards
Visit this page to view the current Manatee County Public Works Engineering Standards.
Information and FAQ's
Advisory Board
Planning Commission
Next Meeting
Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory Board
Environmental Planning Section
Environmental Planning
The Environmental Review Section's focus during the development planning process is to protect and preserve the county's natural resources while seeking to balance growth and development.1112 Manatee Ave W
Bradenton, FL 34205 -
Impact Fees Section
Impact Fee Section
Impact fees are a one-time charge collected when new construction is completed in the unincorporated area of Manatee County. New construction increases demand for County infrastructure capacity, so impact fees ensure that new development pays its fair share of the capital cost incurred by the County to maintain adopted Levels of Service to accommodate population and job growth.
Manatee County Land Development Code does allow some home occupations without any approvals with the following limitations:
- The home cannot take on the appearance of a business.
- There cannot be any outdoor storage or display of merchandise.
- There cannot be any retail or wholesale transactions.
- No assembly, processing or fabrication operations are allowed.
- No signs advertising the business are allowed.
- The business can occupy no more than 25% of the home or two hundred (200) square feet of the first floor, whichever is less, exclusive of an open porch, attached garage or similar accessory uses.
- No traffic should be generated in greater volume than normally expected in a residential neighborhood.
Please contact the Reviewer on Call at 941-748-4501 ext 6894 or send email to to see if your proposed business meets the aforementioned conditions.
On June 8, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution R-21-089 approving the Inventory List of County land for use as affordable housing within the jurisdiction of Manatee County. As sites become available, they will be added to the inventory. Currently, the County is developing a process to consider requests from For-profit and Non-profit Developers who would be interested in developing affordable housing on these sites for rental or homeownership units. Once the process has been finalized, it will be posted to this website. View the resolution here:
Resolution 21-089 Surplus Properties
View more information on Surplus Property here:
2024 Rental Limits Link: Rental Limits
Sales Price Link: Sales Price
Setbacks are measured from the property line into the interior of the lot where the structure or building will be placed. Please note, structures cannot be placed in any easements or buffers. If your property is located in a standard zoning district, setbacks can be found in the Land Development Code Chapter 4 (see Table 4-3 Village Districts, Table 4-4 Agricultural and Residential Districts, Table 4-5 Mobile Home Districts, Table 4-6 Office, Commercial, Industrial and Extraction Districts)
If your zoning is PDR (Planned Development Residential), setbacks can be found by contacting the Reviewer on Call at 941-748-4501 x6894.
Designation Process
- Developer meets with Affordable Housing Development Coordinator to review project (s) and eligibility requirements.
- Developer completes Affordable/Workforce Housing application through Neighborly Click Here.
- Affordable Housing Development Coordinator reviews application and determines eligibility.
- Affordable Housing Approval Letter provided to developer with Rapid Response Certificate.
- Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting scheduled with developer/builder, Affordable Housing Development Coordinator, and Development Services (Planning and Plans Review) Teams.
Planning/Permitting Process
- Pre-application Meeting.
- Rezone (for density)/ Hearing with BOCC (4-6 months).
- FSP/Administrative (8-10 weeks).
- Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) executed prior to approval of FSP.
- For Homeownership Projects
- Application for Final Plat (eight weeks)
- Building Permit –concurrent with Final Plat (one week)
- Construction of up to 10 units can commence with approved building permit pending Final Plat
- Final Plat approval – Construction of full project
- For Rental Projects
- Building Permit –concurrent with Final Site Plan (8-10 weeks)
What is an address?
An address is a method used to describe a physical location and is used by law enforcement, fire and ambulance personnel to provide emergency services response, and by the United States Postal Service for the delivery of mail.
Why is an address so important? Because “Every Second Counts in Emergency Response!”
Many people, including those in public safety, view enhanced 9-1-1 as a great emergency response tool. However, without accurate and consistent address information, it cannot always be counted on to help speed-up emergency response. Of the total parts that comprise the enhanced 9-1-1, addressing can be considered one of the most vital.
To view the Developer Estimated Timeline, click the link below:
Information on the Florida International Gateway can be found at the link below:
- Encourage at least 25% affordable housing units within mixed-income developments, scattered sites and infill development.
- Establish an efficient process for customer service and ease of program administration.
- Protect the community’s investment in affordable housing development.
- Ensure Compliance with State and County guidelines for affordable housing.
- Manatee County will pay 100% of impact fees (including education fees) and Facility Investment Fees (FIF) on the designated affordable units only. Impact fees include Libraries, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Parks and Natural Resources, Schools, Multi-modal Transportation, and the administrative surcharge. Facility Investment Fees includes potable water FIF and wastewater FIF.
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
- Developer submits an Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting Request and Designation application prior to building permits to Development Services through Neighborly Click Here.
- Affordable housing designation request reviewed, approval letter with rapid response certificate issued and reservation of funding occurs.
- Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) is recorded prior to Certificate of Occupancy (CO) and runs with property for 30 years.
- Homebuyer is approved prior to CO.
- County pays for impact fees and FIF at CO (administrative process).
Program Requirements
- Unit must be for sale and includes fee simple properties, single family, townhomes, tiny homes (following Board approval), and Duplexes/Triplexes.
- Homebuyer must be at or below 120% of Area Median Income (AMI).
- Sales prices of the unit must not exceed established guidelines set in County’s Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and reviewed every three years.
- Program is available in unincorporated county.
- Encourage at least 25% affordable housing units within rental, mixed-income developments.
- Establish an efficient process for customer service and ease of program administration.
- Protect the community’s investment in affordable housing.
- Ensure Compliance with State and County guidelines applicable for affordable housing development.
Incentive: 80% and Below Area Median Income
- Manatee County will pay 100% of impact fees (including education fees) and Facility Investment Fees (FIF) on the designated affordable units only. Impact fees include Libraries, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Parks and Natural Resources, Schools, Multi-modal Transportation, and the administrative surcharge. Facility Investment Fees includes potable water FIF and wastewater FIF.
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
- Projects receiving incentives up to $250,000, LURA is for 25 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving more than $250,000 and less than $500,000 in incentives, LURA is for 30 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives greater than $500,000, LURA is for 50 years from project completion.
Manatee County will provide:
- Site Improvements
- Density Bonus
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
Affordability Period:
LURA term is for 20 years from project completion.
- Developer submits an Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting Request and Designation application prior to Site Plan application to Development Services through Neighborly. Click Here
- Affordable housing designation application reviewed, approval letter with rapid response certificate issued and reservation of funding occurs subject to Developer having C.O. within two years.
- LURA* is recorded prior to approval of Final Site Plan (FSP).
- County pays for impact fees and FIF at CO per building (administrative process) for 80% AMI and below.
- Developer’s Management Company submits tenant applications to Community and Veterans Services (CVS) for tenant approval at time of lease up with supportive documentation for income eligibility determination and
approval of tenant in accordance with terms of LURA. - Once lease up is complete as specified in LURA, County monitors project annually for term of LURA*
*Note: If other incentives apply, most restrictive term for LURA takes precedence.
Program Requirements
- Rents do not exceed Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) maximums per bedroom count and income for household size. Click Here
- Development must serve 120% AMI and below (very-low, low, and moderate income households).
- Projects in the Urban Service Area boundary or unincorporated Manatee County.
- New construction preferred; residential conversions allowed.
Land Use Restriction Agreements: Affordability Periods
- Projects not receiving a Dollar Value Incentive, LURA is for 20 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives up to $250,000, LURA is for 25 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving more than $250,000 and less than $500,000 in incentives, LURA is for 30 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives greater than $500,000, LURA is for 50 years from project completion
For information about the Planned Development Encouragement Zone (PDEZ) please follow the link below:
The Port Manatee Encouragement Zone is a County initiative to facilitate a greater range of employment-based uses near Port Manatee and helps strengthen the economic health of Manatee County. It includes the Florida International Gateway (FIG), Planned Development Encouragement Zone (PDEZ) and other incentives from the County's Economic Development staff.
For information please follow the link below:
Port Manatee Encouragement Zone
Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles or Hot Dog Carts require licensure by Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations, Division of Hotels and Restaurants. They can be reached online or by phone: Department of Business & Professional Regulation
Hotels and Restaurants Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle or Hot Dog Cart or call Customer Contact Center at (850) 487-1395 Manatee County only has jurisdiction over the unincorporated area of the county and does not issue vending permits or licenses however, we do require the following regulations be adhered to: Must be located on active commercial property with the approval of the property owner, cannot block any drive aisles or parking spaces. Cannot be located in the County Right-of-Way.
Note: Permanent power supply will reclassify use from Mobile Food Dispensing to Restaurant and will require Final Site Plan approval.
Please complete the application via the link below in its entirety if you would like to participate in the Affordable Housing Designation Incentive program.
Zoning can be found using our GIS mapping system
When the map loads in the box titled live maps layer visibility place a check mark in the box next to Zoning/DRI for current zoning. To find your future land use category place a check mark in the box next to Comprehensive Planning. Database can be searched using, property identification number, owner's name or property address. Property Identification numbers can be obtained from the Manatee County Property Appraiser's Office.