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Sign up for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a self-paced early literacy program that encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their children before they start kindergarten.

Why 1000 Books Before Kindergarten? 

Learning to read begins long before a child reaches kindergarten. Reading builds vocabulary and language skills and helps equip children with the skills they need to have for primary education.

It's Achievable! 

Preschoolers (ages 0-5) can complete this challenge with the help of family, caregivers, teachers, and librarians. Reading just 3 books a day adds up to 1,095 books in one year. Even at one book a day, you will reach the goal in under three years! Children win prizes for every 100 books read.

Get started by signing up at your local Manatee Library branch. 

1000 Books before Kindergarten reading log example with manatees

Service Output: Registration

Hours Available: Registration can be completed at any location during Library hours

Eligibility: Preschool age children (ages 0-5) and their parents

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Unattended Children in the Library

Children ages 11 and under must be accompanied by someone 16 years of age or older in all Manatee Library facilities. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the Library rests with the parent, legal guardian, or caregiver.

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