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Services and Contacts


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Check Severe Weather Information

Get information about flood zones, sandbag locations, recovery sites, etc.

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Find an Emergency Shelter

Find an Emergency Shelter

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Plan for a Disaster

Disaster Planning Guides are available at your local Manatee County library and at Manatee County Government offices.

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Plan for an Emergency: MANATEEREADY

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

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Provide Feedback on the Local Mitigation Strategy

Manatee County is seeking public comment on its updated Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS), a plan for how to proactively prepare for and handle disasters and emergencies in the Community.

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Severe Weather Transportation Services - MCAT

Manatee County Area Transit transports members of the community who are on the Special Needs Registry to public evacuation shelters when required by a severe weather event.

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Sign-up for the Special Needs Registry

The Special Needs Registry is designed to assist residents of Manatee County who will require sheltering assistance when the citizen is notified to evacuate their residence because of a storm.

Information and FAQ's

  • Emergency Management Division

    The Emergency Management team provides a comprehensive and risk-based emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
    2101 47th Terrace E
    Bradenton, FL 34203
    More Information