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Apply for a Neighborhood Action Plan Grant

Manatee County’s Neighborhood Action Plan Grant (NAPG) provides grants of up to $10,000 to neighborhoods. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis as long as funds last. Grants may be awarded for any one-time improvement project, activities, or events with a clear public benefit.

Apply for a Neighborhood Enhancement Grant

The purpose of this grant program is to strengthen neighborhood associations and the communities which they serve. Applications must demonstrate community support and involvement in both the application and implementation phases of proposed projects/programs. Manatee County’s Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Program provides matching grants of up to $10,000 to neighborhoods. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis as long as funds last. Projects must be completed within 12 months of receiving funding. Grants may be awarded for any one-time improvement project, activities or events with a clear public benefit.

Apply for Human Services Funding

How not-for-profit agencies can apply for Human Services funding in Manatee County,

Apply for Splash! School Grants

Receive money for your school through the Splash! School Grant.

Find Information About the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program

Assisting Veterans with the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program

Learn About the West Coast Inland Navigation District

WCIND is a multi-county special taxing district that assists in the planning and implementation of waterway projects that promote safe navigation and the enjoyment of water-based activities. 

Request Electric Bill Payment Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP)

EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices.