Access Accela Online Services
Access Accela Online Services portal, Instructions and forms, and the Digital Plan Room Help Center
Access the Digital Plan Room Help Center
View information and download documentation related to the Digital Plan Room
Apply for CDBG: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding
Manatee County Community Development Programs are funded by the federal U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. The goal of the program is to provide affordable housing, social services, infrastructure, and opportunities to expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons.
Apply for Homeowners Rehabilitation and Replacement Program
Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies.
Apply for the Down Payment Assistance program
Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies.
Borrow Developmental Toys
Manatee Library's collection of developmental toys is designed to support children with special needs by providing access to assistive and adaptive tools that encourage interactive play and skill-building.
Borrow Early Literacy Kits
Borrow Early Literacy Kits filled with books and activities to support preschool and elementary-age children in building essential skills at home.
Borrow from the Library of Things
The Library of Things includes items such as telescopes, musical
instruments, tools, binoculars, hotspots, children's developmental toys
and literacy kits, museum and attraction passes, and more!
Check Beach Conditions
To check daily beach conditions at our guarded beaches.
Check Severe Weather Information
Get information about flood zones, sandbag locations, recovery sites, etc.
Contact Utilities
How to contact Utilities
Dial 211 for Local Assistance
United Way Suncoast partnered with Sarasota, Manatee Counties, and Glasser Schoenbaum to form 2-1-1, an information and referral services are provided to Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto County residents.
Discover Food Resources for Veterans
Veterans have access to special food insecurity resources.
Discover Local History
Manatee Library offers a local history archive
at the downtown Central Library, called the Eaton Florida History Room, as well as an online digital archive and an Archive Lab.
Dispose of Commercial Waste and Collection Services
Commercial garbage services include garbage cans (with customer-provided cans and twice-weekly pickups), dumpsters (various sizes, minimum weekly pickup), compactors, and roll-offs (next-day service with prior request). Additional services like extra lifts, gate service, roll-out service, bulk pickup, and commercial recycling are available, with no collection on major holidays.
Dispose of Yard Waste
Yard waste, including tree branches, leaves, and grass clippings, is collected every Wednesday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in Manatee County, with proper preparation by bundling, or using 32-gallon cans.
Download Data: ESRI Open Data Portal
Access entire collection of downloadable data and interactive applications offered by Manatee County GIS through the Manatee County ESRI Open Data Portal.
Download Development Services Instructions, Fees, and Forms
Download Development Services Instructions, Fee Schedules, and Forms.
Download Water Conservation Resources
Bring water conservation to life in your classroom with our Water Conservation Program!
Drop Off Your Recycling
Manatee County recycling drop-off locations listed are for residential use only. Items must be placed inside containers, and cardboard must be clean, broken down, or flattened.