Contact Info
3647 Cortez Road West
Bradenton, FL 34210
Sewer lines may be extended by special assessment/non-assessment projects. While the charge on assessment properties may be paid on the property tax bill, line fees on non-assessment properties may be paid on the monthly utility bill by entering into a time-payment agreement with Manatee County.
For more information about time-payment agreements, please call Manatee County Utilities Customer Service.
Assessment and Line Fees may also be paid in full. Owners of existing structures certified for occupancy but not previously served by sewer, who pay a line or assessment charge, are exempt from paying the Sewer Facility Investment Fee, provided connection is made within 120 days from the date of notification of line certification by Manatee County Utilities Customer Service.
A sewer permit is required and may be obtained in the Permitting office located at 1112 Manatee Avenue West, 4th Floor. If you own and reside in your single-family home and are doing the work yourself, you may pull your own permit; otherwise, a licensed plumber must pull the permit.
For further details, please contact Manatee County Permitting, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Service Output: Account
Hours Available: 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays