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View County Surplus Property

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Manatee County Surplus Property Map

Property Acquisition maintains a list of all County-owned property, which is regularly reviewed for potential surplus property. When a parcel is determined, after a review by all County departments, to have no current or future use for the County, a resolution is presented to the Board of County Commissioners to declare it a surplus property. The parcel is then sold in accordance with Florida Statute  125.35 and County Ordinance 14-26.

Surplus Property Process: Public or Private Sale

  1. A potential surplus property is identified by the Property Acquisition division.
  2. The potential surplus property is reviewed by all County Departments to determine if there is a need to retain the property.
  3. If it is determined there is no current or future County use for the property, a resolution is adopted by the Board of County Commissioners declaring the property as surplus and authorizing its sale.
  4. The property is advertised for sale with instructions for placing a bid.
  5. A Bid Opening is scheduled and bids are received. Bids must be submitted with 10% of the total bid in the form of a cashier’s check, certified funds, or a money order. Cash or personal checks will not be accepted.
  6. The winner is notified. The contract documents are prepared by staff and sent to the winning bidder to be executed. Staff then presents the executed contract to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and execution.
  7. The deposit checks/money orders of losing bidders will not be deposited by the Clerk of Court. It is the responsibility of a losing bidder to retrieve their bid package and deposit checks/money orders from Property Acquisition at 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Suite 800, and sign an Acknowledgement of Return of Bid Deposit.
  8. The closing is scheduled where the Buyer pays the balance along with the recording fees and documentary stamps.



Available Surplus Property

  • Click here to view a full-page map of Manatee County's approved surplus properties. 
  • Click here to view a list of Manatee County's approved surplus properties

Bid Submittal Form

Interested in submitting a bid on surplus property? Download this form to complete and provide to Property Acquisition in your sealed bid package.


Manatee County Service

Service Output: Bid

Hours Available: 8 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday

Eligibility: Bids must be submitted with 10% of the total bid in the form of a cashier’s check, certified funds, or a money order. Cash or personal checks will not be accepted.