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Download Data: ESRI Open Data Portal

Access entire collection of downloadable data and interactive applications offered by Manatee County GIS through the Manatee County ESRI Open Data Portal. 

Explore Manatee County Online: Story Map Gallery

These interactive online experiences combine maps with text, photos, and videos, allowing you to explore our county in a whole new way. 

Popular Data Downloads

The Manatee County Data Portal offers a variety of layers that are hosted on the web. 

Property Locator GIS Map

The Property Locator Map is our most popular GIS Map Service that contains many of the County's most popular GIS layers.  Search GIS Layers by Address, Owner or other attributes.

Request a Utilities Locate: Sunshine 811

Identify and mark underground utilities, including water, sewer, reclaimed water, fiber optics, traffic interconnects, and street lighting, to prevent damage during excavation.

Request a Utilities Record

Request Record Drawings

Resident Information Tool

Search your address to find your trash and recycling days, evacuation level, police district, fire district, commission district, polling site, flood zone, nearest emergency shelter, park, preserve, library, bus stop, hospital, local schools and more. Some information may take a moment to load.

View the GIS Interactive Map Gallery

Uncover a wealth of information about Manatee County with our user-friendly online Geographic Information System (GIS) maps. Explore a variety of popular map layers, including Property Data and Aerial Imagery.

View the Utilities Infrastructure Map

Utility Records manages as-built drawings, processes public requests for utility information, and maintains an as-built repository to ensure access to accurate underground infrastructure records for residents, businesses, and the community.