Access Accela Online Services
Access Accela Online Services portal, Instructions and forms, and the Digital Plan Room Help Center
Apply for a Responsible Breeder Permit
The Manatee County Board of County Commissioners passed an ordinance in 2024 aimed at inspecting and regulating pet stores and breeders. The ordinance includes definitions, establishes standards for the care and treatment of animals and requires licensing and permits for operations. It also outlines the process for inspections, enforcement measures and penalties for any violations.
Apply for Wastewater Discharge Permit: Industrial Pretreatment Program
The Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) is designed to protect our publicly owned treatment works' (POTW) infrastructure and staff by reducing conventional and toxic pollutant levels.
Apply, Search and Manage Building Permits
If you need to apply for a permit, please use the link to navigate to our Online Services portal, where you can apply for your permit without ever having to come into the building.
Register Your Contractor License
State certified contractors licensed through the State of Florida have the option of registering their state certified license with us to work in unincorporated Manatee County.
Request a Right of Way Use Permit
Instructions on how to apply for a right of way use permit.
Set Up New Sewer Lines for Existing Structures
Sewer lines may be extended by special assessment/non-assessment projects.