Apply for Homeowners Rehabilitation and Replacement Program
Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies.
Apply for the Down Payment Assistance program
Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies.
Find Alternative Path to Success
Program provides quality educational programming for struggling and at-risk students who have been unsuccessful in traditional schools.
Find Community Resources for Seniors
Find community resources for seniors living in Manatee County.
Find Help for Manatee County Veterans
Benefits offered for Veterans through Manatee County Veterans Services
Find Help Understanding Senior Medicaid and Medicare Options
The SHINE program ("Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders") provides free, unbiased, one-on-one Medicare and Medicaid health insurance counseling for seniors.
Find Help with Applying for VA Healthcare
We can assist you in receiving health care from a VA health care facility.
Find Housing for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness in Manatee County
Find housing for homeless Veterans
Find Housing-Focused Family Shelter Program
The program provides families with a safe place to live while they receive case management, seek/obtain employment, receive referrals for community partners, have life skills classes such as budgeting and parenting, while learning to demonstrate they can create and live within their budget before securing sustainable housing.
Find Information About the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program
Assisting Veterans with the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program
Find Information About Veterans Preference
Find information about Veterans Preference
Find Resident Resources
A comprehensive list of services available to residents of Manatee County.
Find Shelter for People Experiencing Homelessness
Find assistance, shelter or nighttime residence
Home Down Payment Assistance (Homeownership Training Course)
Many home buyers can afford a monthly mortgage payment but may not be able to pay all or a portion of the down payment and/or closing costs needed to purchase a home. Down payment assistance programs can help. As a first step in the process of meeting eligibility requirements, interested parties should schedule to attend a Homeownership Training Course.
Request Electric Bill Payment Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP)
EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices.
Request In-Home Services for Seniors
Request information about in-home services for seniors living in Manatee County.
Request Payment Assistance for Ambulance Fees
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive payment assistance for ambulance fees from Manatee County Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Request Payment Assistance for Prescriptions
Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to receive assistance to cover prescription costs.
Search Local Affordable Housing:
This is a free, state resource for renters and property managers in Florida. Dynamic search options can help you find available rental housing fit your needs and income.
Seek Assistance to Get a VA Home Loan
Seek assistance to get a VA home loan
Seek Assistance with VA Burial Benefits
We can assist you in requesting headstones, markers, burial flags and arrange for burial in a national cemetery. We can also assist survivors applying for burial reimbursement if the Veteran qualified.
Seek Assistance with VA Life Insurance
Assisting with Access to Life Insurance Benefits
Seek Assistance with VA-supported schooling
Employment services for Veterans and qualified spouses and children