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Manatee 311

Contact Manatee 311

Manatee 311 provides a central contact point for citizens to report an issue, request a service, seek information/referrals, and direct complaints, compliments and suggestions regarding government service.
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Report a Nuisance Alligator

The FWC handles nuisance alligators.

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Report a Road or Traffic Issue

Report a traffic or road issue by calling 311.
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Report a Wildlife or Boating Law Violation

If you suspect a wildlife or boating law violation, report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Reward Program.

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Report an Abandoned Vessel

The Marine Resources Program monitors the presence of lost and/or abandoned vessels in Manatee County's waterways.
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Report an Air Quality Concern: Emissions

The Environmental Protection Division investigates citizen complaints about emissions concerns.

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Report an Air Quality Concern: Open Burning

Find the information to report an issue about open burning to the local Division of Forestry.

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Report an Environmental Emergency

The Environmental Protection Division investigates citizen complaints on a wide variety of environmental issues.

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Report and Unlicensed Contractor

Florida law requires contractors to be licensed. Hiring an unlicensed contractor is a violation of Florida Statute 455.228 and is subject to a fine of up to $5,000
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Report Water, Wetland, and Other Environmental Complaint

The Environmental Protection Division investigates citizen complaints on a wide variety of environmental issues.

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Request Impact Fee Annual Reports

Request annual impact fee reports through a public record request.