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Become a Registered Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester

Register as a Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Service Provider with Manatee County.
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Book a Preserve Field Trip or Tour

Book a field trip or private tour for your group.
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Book a Ride on the Gulf Island Ferry

The Gulf Islands Ferry is currently operating Thursdays through Sundays between The Bradenton Riverwalk and The Historic Bridge St Pier.

Borrow Developmental Toys

Manatee Library's collection of developmental toys is designed to support children with special needs by providing access to assistive and adaptive tools that encourage interactive play and skill-building.

Borrow Early Literacy Kits

Borrow Early Literacy Kits filled with books and activities to support preschool and elementary-age children in building essential skills at home.
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Borrow from the Library of Things

The Library of Things includes items such as telescopes, musical instruments, tools, binoculars, hotspots, children's developmental toys and literacy kits, museum and attraction passes, and more!
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Building Affordable Homes: the Habitat Homeowners Program

Manatee County Habitat for Humanity provides affordable homeownership for economically disadvantaged families in Manatee County.
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Check Beach Conditions

To check daily beach conditions at our guarded beaches.
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Check Severe Weather Information

Get information about flood zones, sandbag locations, recovery sites, etc.
Manatee 311

Contact Manatee 311

Manatee 311 provides a central contact point for citizens to report an issue, request a service, seek information/referrals, and direct complaints, compliments and suggestions regarding government service.

Contact Utilities

How to contact Utilities
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Dial 211 for Local Assistance

United Way Suncoast partnered with Sarasota, Manatee Counties, and Glasser Schoenbaum to form 2-1-1, an information and referral services are provided to Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto County residents. 
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Discover Food Resources for Veterans

Veterans have access to special food insecurity resources.
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Discover Local History

Manatee Library offers a local history archive at the downtown Central Library, called the Eaton Florida History Room, as well as an online digital archive and an Archive Lab.

Dispose of Commercial Waste and Collection Services

Commercial garbage services include garbage cans (with customer-provided cans and twice-weekly pickups), dumpsters (various sizes, minimum weekly pickup), compactors, and roll-offs (next-day service with prior request). Additional services like extra lifts, gate service, roll-out service, bulk pickup, and commercial recycling are available, with no collection on major holidays.
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Dispose of Fats, Oils, and Grease: (FOG) Control Program

In 2016, Manatee County formally implemented a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control Program.
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Dispose of Yard Waste

Yard waste, including tree branches, leaves, and grass clippings, is collected every Wednesday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in Manatee County, with proper preparation by bundling, or using 32-gallon cans.
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Donate or Receive Food from the Pet Food Pantry

Manatee County Animal Welfare offers a year-round Pet Food Pantry Program. 
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Download Data: ESRI Open Data Portal

Access entire collection of downloadable data and interactive applications offered by Manatee County GIS through the Manatee County ESRI Open Data Portal. 
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Download Development Services Instructions, Fees, and Forms

Download Development Services Instructions, Fee Schedules, and Forms.