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Request Books by Mail or Delivery

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Application for Books by Mail and Homebound Delivery Services

Manatee Library offers free delivery of library materials to eligible patrons who are not able to visit a library due to a temporary or long-term physical or visual disability. There are two available options: Books by Mail (via postal service) or Homebound Delivery (in-person delivery).

Books by Mail

Books by Mail service allows eligible patrons to receive library materials at their residence through the United States Postal Service’s Free Matter for the Blind or Other Physically Handicapped Persons program.

Highlights of the Books by Mail program:

  • Large print books, audiobooks on CD, and audiobooks on Playaway are mailed directly to your Manatee County residence for free. These are the only types of materials available through Books by Mail.
  • Request specific titles or let us know your reading preferences and we will customize your delivery. Participants must agree to provide Library staff with access to their reading records in order to avoid duplicate mailings of materials and assist staff in selecting materials.
  • Items arrive in a reusable zippered canvas bag. Unzip the bag, enjoy the items, place the items back in the bag, remove your paper address label, and place the bag in a mailbox to send them back. Items may also be returned at any Manatee County Library branch [insert hours link]
  • Up to three items are mailed at a time and may be borrowed for 45 days. Items may be renewed if there are no other hold requests.

Homebound Delivery

Homebound Delivery service allows eligible patrons to receive library materials at their residence, via in-person delivery, on a scheduled basis at no cost.

Highlights of the Homebound Delivery program:

  • Library materials are delivered directly to your Manatee County residence for free by members of the Library Outreach team. Library of Things items and Kits are not eligible for delivery.
  • Items are delivered once a week and staff can visit you weekly, monthly, or anytime in between. You set the schedule!
  • Request specific titles, or let us know your reading preferences and we will customize your delivery. Participants must agree to provide Library staff with access to their reading records in order to avoid duplicate mailings of materials and assist staff in selecting materials.
  • Books are checked out for 45 days and New Books are checked out for 21 days. Items may be renewed if there are no other hold requests.

Sprinter van with Manatee Library logo and illustrations of books

Service Output: Materials

Hours Available: Varies as scheduled


Manatee County residents who are not able to access a library location due to a temporary or long-term physical or visual disability. Residents must first obtain a Manatee County Library Card or be in good standing if they already possess a library card.

Patrons in the Books by Mail program may also be eligible to receive materials from the Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library, which offers free access to books, magazines, and equipment to individuals who are unable to read standard print due to visual, physical, or reading disabilities. Please contact the Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library directly to register.

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