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Request Payment Assistance for Prescriptions

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The Manatee County Eligibility Services Section provides a host of services for the economically disadvantaged.

Qualified Manatee County residents may be eligible to have prescriptions filled at participating pharmacies for a period of 6 months, to reduce the incidence of major medical care or hospitalization.

This is a program of last resort. Any other available prescription assistance shall be utilized and exhausted prior to an eligible recipient receiving assistance.

Prescriptions must be from a Manatee County physician. 

Applicant must provide the following documentation to determine eligibility:

  • 2 Proofs of County Residency (something recent and official that has the applicant’s name and address on it)
  • Income: Last 3 months of income for eligible household members (spouse and minors.)
    • For wages, pay stubs are utilized.
    • For Social Security income, an award letter for the current year must be presented. (If applicant does not have an income source, we require a letter of support showing how much a month it costs to assist the applicant with basic needs.)
    • Last 3 months of bank statements must be provided.
    • Value of any assets (other than one home and one vehicle.) The asset value must meet the poverty levels listed below.

For more information, please call (941) 749-3030.


writing a prescription

Service Output: Assistance

Hours Available:

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Eligibility: Applicant must be a completely uninsured resident of Manatee County, and provide documentation to determine eligibility.