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Book a Preserve Field Trip or Tour

Schedule a Special Program

Book a special learning experience just for your group

Are you interested in bringing a group to the Preserve? Would you like to schedule a special archery class, paddle trip, dip net program, wagon tour...or the class of your dreams? We have a wide variety of fun and interesting hands on programs that are great for all ages. From specialty corporate tours to birthday parties, we can make your special occasion even more memorable by introducing your guests to the beauty of wild Manatee County. To book your program:

  1. Contact with your preferred dates for your trip, your group size, and to discuss program options. We will discuss program availability and fees.
  2. Book your trip and submit your payment.
  3. Enjoy your trip!

Field trip at Robinson Preserve

Service Output: Reservation

Hours Available: Hours depend on staff availability and programs requested.

Eligibility: Everyone