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 In recognition of the sacrifices made by those serving in the Armed Forces, Congress enacted laws to prevent Veterans seeking Federal employment from being penalized because of time spent in military service. By law, Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during certain specified periods or in military campaigns are generally entitled to preference over non-Veterans both in Federal hiring practices and in retention during reductions in force. 

Preference applies in hiring for most federal, state and county vacancies, and provides a uniform method by which special consideration is given to qualified Veterans. Veterans’ preference laws do not, however, guarantee Veterans a job, nor do they give Veterans’ preference in internal agency actions such as promotion, transfer, reassignment and reinstatement.

Veterans are also encouraged to make an appointment with MCVS to see if there are any other benefits from the VA for which they qualify.

Manatee County Service

Service Output: Counsel

Hours Available: Our lobby hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. We are closed for lunch from noon-1 p.m.

Eligibility: Veterans who served on active duty and has received an honorable discharge, a service-connected disabled Veteran or one getting a pension. Also, spouses may also qualify in limited circumstances. Please see a Veterans Services Counselor for more information. 

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Florida Department of Veteran's Affairs

With more than 1.4 million veterans, Florida is among the most veteran-friendly state in the nation. The Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs helps Florida veterans access earned services, benefits and support. Thank you for your service. We honor you.