Contact Info
Find assistance, shelter or nighttime residence

Service Output: Information
Hours Available: Hours vary by service operator
Eligibility: Eligibility varies by service
Service Operators
Turning Points
Turning Points is a one-stop center providing a myriad of services onsite in one location to those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness including emergency rent and utility assistance to very low-income Manatee County residents to remain housed, avoid eviction and homelessness.
Bradenton, FL 34205
Service Operators
St. Vincent dePaul
SVdP CARES provides assistance in a 16 county service area, ending homelessness for individuals, families, and US Veterans who have low, extremely low, or no income.
While the level and type of assistance vary, SVdP CARES models its programs on the principles of “Housing First” – emphasizing choice and self-determination across programs, and rapidly connecting homeless individuals and families to permanent housing with no readiness requirements. Individualized, client-driven, wrap-around support is available to the household after the housing crisis is resolved.
727-823-2516 Option 6 for Manatee
Sarasota, FL 34234
Service Operators
Suncoast Partnership
The mission of the Suncoast Partnership is to prevent and end homelessness throughout Manatee and Sarasota counties through leadership and collaboration with community partners. The Suncoast Partnership provides leadership to the communities on issues relating to homelessness through engagement and collaboration with business and civic leaders, service providers, faith-based organizations, advocates, concerned citizens, and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Sarasota, FL 34234
Service Operators
Hope Family Services
Service Operators
The Salvation Army
Bradenton, FL 34205