Contact Info
1401 3rd Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
As their first steps, Veterans can contact:
1) JFCS OMAP (Operation Military Assistance Program) at 941-366-2224, Ext 194
2) St. Vincent de Paul Hope in Action at 941-794-1328.
3) Veterans Village at 941-896-9714 (usually a 3-6 month program)
Note: Both JFCS and St. Vincent de Paul distribute HUD-VASH vouchers and are an access point for resources.
MCVS is also excited about the Tunnels to Towers complex that is being built in Manatee County. While completion is not expected until sometime in 2025, interested Veterans should call 718-987-1931.
Veterans can also call MCVS at 941-745-3795 and provide an email or mailing address and MCVS will send other Housing and Utilities Resources. Veterans are also encouraged to make an appointment with MCVS to see if there are any other benefits or increases from the VA for which they qualify.

Service Output: Information
Hours Available: Our lobby hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. We are closed for lunch from noon-1 p.m.
Eligibility is dependent on the program and verified Veteran status.
Service Operators
JFCS: Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast
Bradenton, FL 34205, FL 34205
Service Operators
St. Vincent dePaul
SVdP CARES provides assistance in a 16 county service area, ending homelessness for individuals, families, and US Veterans who have low, extremely low, or no income.
While the level and type of assistance vary, SVdP CARES models its programs on the principles of “Housing First” – emphasizing choice and self-determination across programs, and rapidly connecting homeless individuals and families to permanent housing with no readiness requirements. Individualized, client-driven, wrap-around support is available to the household after the housing crisis is resolved.
727-823-2516 Option 6 for Manatee
Sarasota, FL 34234
Service Operators
Veterans Village
Bradenton, FL 34207