Linkedin Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform with expert-led courses.
Access Online Newspapers and Magazines: PressReader
Access over 7,000 articles and newspapers for free with your Manatee County Library Card.
Find Library Events and Classes
Manatee Library offers many programs for all ages, special events, storytimes, and classes!
Research and Learn at the Library
Discover the materials, databases, learning resources, and class that Manatee Library offers to help you conduct research or just learn something new.
Reserve a Recording Studio
Recording studios are available at two (2) Manatee Library locations: Central Library and Lakewood Ranch Library.
Reserve Museum and Attraction Passes
Manatee Library offers complimentary passes to attractions and museums including The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, the Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary, the Florida Railroad Museum, and Imagine Museum.
Explore Genealogy
Manatee Library offers an extensive genealogy collection available to the public for in-house use at Central Library, as well as a selection of general genealogy materials that may be checked out, and online resources including Heritage Quest and FamilySearch (in-library use only).
Discover Local History
Manatee Library offers a local history archive at the downtown Central Library, called the Eaton Florida History Room, as well as an online digital archive and an Archive Lab.
Reserve a One-to-One Tech Help Appointment
Most Manatee Library locations offer basic one-on-one technology help with a library staff member. These 30-minute sessions assist patrons with Androids, iPhones, tablets, laptops, and library eBook and eAudiobook resources.
Sign up for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten
1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a self-paced early literacy program that encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their children before they start kindergarten.
Borrow Developmental Toys
Manatee Library's collection of developmental toys is designed to support children with special needs by providing access to assistive and adaptive tools that encourage interactive play and skill-building.
Explore Homeschool Resources
From curriculum guides and lesson ideas to online learning tools and educational programs, Manatee Library has everything you need to make homeschooling easier and more enriching.
Find Homework Help Resources
Looking for extra support with your child's schoolwork? Manatee Library homework help resources are designed to make learning easier.
Attend a Storytime
Perfect for children of all ages, Manatee Library Storytime programs spark imagination, build literacy skills, and foster a love of reading in a fun, interactive environment.
Request Library Visit
Schedule an informational and educational presentation or storytime from the Library for your students, residents, or business. Also request the Library's presence at an event, festival, or open house.
Request a Library Lobby Stop
Schedule a Pop-Up Library to visit your care facility or retirement community! Manatee Library's monthly Lobby Stops provide residents with assistance in registering for a Library card, accessing e-resources and e-reading materials, and selecting physical materials to check out from the traveling library collection.
Borrow from the Library of Things
The Library of Things includes items such as telescopes, musical instruments, tools, binoculars, hotspots, children's developmental toys and literacy kits, museum and attraction passes, and more!
Apply for a Library Card
Apply for a Manatee Library card today! Manatee Library has numerous options for obtaining a full or limited-access library card.
Suggest a Library Purchase
Manatee Library welcomes suggestions for purchase of items for the collection, based on the Library's Collection Development criteria.
Request Books by Mail or Delivery
Manatee Library offers free delivery of library materials to residents who are not able to visit a library due to a temporary or long-term physical or visual disability.
Access Computers and WiFi at the Library
Manatee Library provides public access to public computers equipped with Microsoft Office and the Internet at all locations as well as WiFi access for personal devices, as part of its mission to deliver services that meet the information needs of the community and reduce barriers to access.
Request an Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a special service, provided to Manatee Library resident cardholders, to obtain materials not available in our library system.
Reserve a Library Meeting Room
Meeting Rooms of various sizes are available to reserve at all Manatee Library locations, excluding the Little Discovery Center.