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Suggest a Library Purchase

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Make a Purchase Suggestion for the Library

If there is a new item that Manatee Library does not own and you would like to recommend that it is purchased for the Library's collection, please fill out the Library Purchase Suggestion form. 

All suggestions will be considered based upon cost, item format, publication date (items less than one year old), availability, and suitability to a public library's collection including, but not limited to, these factors: current usefulness, permanent value, popular demand, newsworthiness, high standard of quality, critical reviews, and reputation and authority of the publisher, author, or producer. Please see the Library Collection Development Policy for more information.

We recommend requesting most items that are over one year old through Interlibrary Loan. Items that are part of the standing order (popular authors whose books are automatically ordered) will not be eligible as a suggested purchase. Also view the availabilty of eBooks and eAudiobooks before making a purchase suggestion.

Please allow at least 6 weeks before checking on the status of your recommendation. 

Thank you for using the Library Purchase Suggestion Form!

Manatee Library logo with navy background

Service Output: Materials

Hours Available: Request online 24/7

Eligibility: Manatee Library cardholders. Must be new items that fit Collection Development criteria. Some items by popular authors not eligible for purchase suggestion since they are automatically ordered.