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Borrow Developmental Toys

Manatee Library's collection of developmental toys is designed to support children with special needs by providing access to assistive and adaptive tools that encourage interactive play and skill-building.

Borrow Early Literacy Kits

Borrow Early Literacy Kits filled with books and activities to support preschool and elementary-age children in building essential skills at home.

Borrow from the Library of Things

The Library of Things includes items such as telescopes, musical instruments, tools, binoculars, hotspots, children's developmental toys and literacy kits, museum and attraction passes, and more!

Download Water Conservation Resources

Bring water conservation to life in your classroom with our Water Conservation Program!

Explore Homeschool Resources

From curriculum guides and lesson ideas to online learning tools and educational programs, Manatee Library has everything you need to make homeschooling easier and more enriching.

Request a Water Conservation Speaker

Manatee County's Water Conservation Program offers expert speakers for schools and community groups, free irrigation and landscape evaluations, and educational workshops through UF/IFAS Extension. Resources include Florida-Friendly Landscaping guides, Water-Wise Awards for conserving landscapes, and conservation tips from the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 

Request an Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a special service, provided to Manatee Library resident cardholders, to obtain materials not available in our library system.

Request Books by Mail or Delivery

Manatee Library offers free delivery of library materials to residents who are not able to visit a library due to a temporary or long-term physical or visual disability.

Suggest a Library Purchase

Manatee Library welcomes suggestions for purchase of items for the collection, based on the Library's Collection Development criteria.