Health Council of West Central Florida
The Health Council of West Central Florida (HCWCF) is one of eleven health councils established by the Florida Statute in 1983 (F.S. 408.033). It is a private non-profit agency governed by a Board of Directors appointed by County Commissioners to represent the concerns of health care consumers, providers, and purchasers at the local level. HCWCF serves residents in Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee and Polk counties.
The Health Council of West Central Florida is committed to assessing the health status and resources of area residents and assisting communities with solutions to meet emerging needs.
For additional information, go to
Membership Requirements
Manatee County appoints two members to the Advisory Board for two-year terms. Currently the County Commission has appointed:
- Health Care Consumer over the age of 60
- Health Care Provider
Note: The appointment categories may change when vacancies arise based on the needs of the Advisory Board.
For questions or additional information contact Health Services at (941) 749-3505 or
Advisory Board positions are advertised as openings become available.
To apply for an opening, fill out the online Advisory Board Application.
If you have questions about the application process, please call the Advisory Board liaison for that specific board.