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Tourist Development Council Advisory Board

Leanne Keeling

Sr. Admin. Specialist

Bradenton Area Convention & Visitors Bureau


It is the duty of the Tourist Development Council to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners concerning the effective operation of the projects set forth in the Tourist Development Plan and the uses for which Tourist Development Tax Revenue may be expended.

Membership Requirements

The Tourist Development Council consists of nine volunteer members who are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for four-year terms (with the exception of the Chairman, who is appointed yearly) representing the following categories:

  • Three Elected Officials
    • One Manatee County Commissioner, who shall serve as Chairman
    • One elected official from the largest municipality (Bradenton)
    • One elected official from any other municipality in Manatee County
  • Four owners/operators of hotels, motels or other short term rental accommodations in Manatee County that ARE subject to the 5% resort tax in Manatee County.
  • Two interested citizens who are involved in the tourist industry and have demonstrated an interest in tourism but who are NOT subject to the 5% resort tax in Manatee County.
  • All must be electors of Manatee County.


Advisory Board positions are advertised as openings become available. 

To apply for an opening, fill out the online Advisory Board Application

If you have questions about the application process, please call the Advisory Board liaison for that specific board.

Meeting Info

Meetings are held every other month at 9 a.m. in various locations throughout Manatee County.
