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Historic Preservation Board

Bobbi Roy

Supervisor (Agenda Division)

1112 Manatee Avenue West, 4th Floor

Bradenton, FL 34205


The Historic Preservation Board was established to preserve and protect Manatee County's archaeologically, historically and aesthetically significant sites, districts and zones; to encourage historical and archaeological preservation; to identify historic buildings and sites and archaeological sites in Manatee County; and to ensure appropriate preservation, restoration, renovation, development and adaptive reuse of historical buildings and archaeological sites.

Membership Requirements

  • The Historic Preservation Board consists of five voting members.
  • The members are appointed by the BOCC for four-year terms.
  • Members shall be qualified electors in Manatee County who have knowledge of archaeological, historical or architectural development or have deep concern for the preservation development and enhancement of historic resources in Manatee County.
  • Whenever possible, the Historic Preservation Board shall be composed of individuals with the following background: architecture, history, planning, archaeology or historic preservation, plus two at-large members.
  • Members must be qualified electors.


Advisory Board positions are advertised as openings become available. 

To apply for an opening, fill out the online Advisory Board Application

If you have questions about the application process, please call the Advisory Board liaison for that specific board.

Meeting Info

The Historic Preservation Board, which is composed of five volunteer members who are appointed by the County Commission, meets a minimum of four times a year on second Mondays of the month at 3 p.m. on the First Floor in the Commission Chambers at the Manatee County Administrative Center, 1112 Manatee Ave West, Bradenton, FL 34205.

Agendas & Minutes of past meetings can be found on the Clerk of Circuit Court Website.
