Services and Contacts
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Access Accela Online Services portal, Instructions and forms, and the Digital Plan Room Help Center
Download Development Services Instructions, Fees, and Forms
Download Development Services Instructions, Fee Schedules, and Forms.
Find my Flood Zone
FEMA maps flood zones for use in the National Flood Insurance Program. Evacuation levels are based on hypothetical storm scenarios and take into account numerous factors beyond just flooding.
Request an existing Flood Elevation Certificate & Determination
Request a Flood Elevation Determination & Certificates
Substantial Damage Letter Information
You are welcome to submit a private appraisal, which is valid for 1-year from the report date and must meet the following criteria:
Effective date must be prior to the storm
Photos must include pre-damaged conditions
Intended User must include Manatee County
Intended Use must include FEMA 50% Rule
Must use the Actual Cash Value Approach (cost of reproduction minus physical deterioration). We will not accept any appraisals that use a Sales Comparison Approach
Substantial Damage Determinations are separate evaluations from storm repairs which are categorized as Substantial Improvements. The 50% rule has two different criteria, and it is possible to be over on one and not the other. All storm related work must be applied for.
Information and FAQ's
A current survey of your property may contain the flood zone category under the comment section. Land information maps showing flood zones are available on the county website here for general reference only. You will need to activate "FEMA Flood" on the Live Maps tile. You can search by owner, address, or property tax i.d. number. If the flood zone starts with "A" or "V", these are the high risk zones and flood insurance is typically required; X5 is considered moderate risk and X low risk and flood insurance is not typically required. For detailed information, please contact the Floodplain section.
The Development Services Department also offers written documentation. For a fee, we will provide a flood information determination. Along with this, we will provide a copy of the Elevation Certificate, if available, and the portion of the Flood Insurance Rate Map on which the property lies, both historical FIRM and current FIRM.
If your structure is in a Special Flood Hazard Area and start of construction was after January 1, 1975, an Elevation Certificate was required to verify that your lowest habitable floor meets the minimum elevation. Copies are available in Records Management. You may contact them at (941) 748-4501, ext. 6888.
Flooding in Manatee County results primarily from tidal surge and associated wave action along the coastal areas of the county caused by tropical storms and from overflow of the rivers, creeks, sloughs, etc., caused by rainfall runoff in other areas. Some of these sources include:
- Manatee River
- Gamble Creek
- Buffalo Canal
- Little Manatee River
- Gap Creek
- Wares Creek
- Lower Manatee River
- Frog Creek
- Miguel Bay
- Braden River
- Rattlesnake Slough
- Terra Ceia Bay
- Myakka River
- Pearce Drain
- Anna Maria Sound
- Bowlees Creek
- Cedar Hammock
- Intracoastal Waterway
- McMullen Creek
- Drainage Canal
- Sarasota Bay
- Tampa Bay affects the mouth of Manatee River
This list is not inclusive as Manatee County has many creeks, sloughs and other watercourses that have been studied and mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and incorporated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
A storm surge is an abnormal rise in the sea level, 50 to 100 miles wide that sweeps across the coast near where the “eye” of the hurricane makes landfall. The surge of high water, topped by waves is devastating. Along the immediate coast, storm surge is the greatest threat to life and property.
Historical Flood Prone Areas in Unincorporated Manatee County
Flooding in Manatee County results primarily from tidal surge and associated wave action along the coastal areas of the county caused by tropical storms and from overflow of the rivers, creeks, sloughs, etc., caused by rainfall runoff in other areas. Some of these sources include:
Manatee River | Gamble Creek | Buffalo Canal |
Little Manatee River | Gap Creek | Wares Creek |
Lower Manatee River | Frog Creek | Miguel Bay |
Braden River | Rattlesnake Slough | Terra Ceia Bay |
Myakka River | Pearce Drain | Anna Maria Sound |
Bowlees Creek | Cedar Hammock | Intracoastal Waterway |
McMullen Creek | Drainage Canal | Sarasota Bay |
Tampa Bay affects the mouth of Manatee River |
This list is not inclusive as Manatee County has many creeks, sloughs and other watercourses that have been studied and mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and incorporated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
Substantial Damage: Damage of any origin sustained by a building or structure whereby the cost of restoring the building or structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed fifty (50) per cent of the market value of the building or structure before the damage occurred.
As a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Manatee County has been instructed by the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management to conduct plan reviews and inspections for projects that are in a FEMA SFHA.
Private Provider Program - FEMA Special Flood Hazard Plan Review and Inspection Process
- Illegal dumping: Utilities - (941) 792-8811 ext. 4969
- Debris or blockage in County maintained ditches and streams: Stormwater/Drainage - (941) 708-7497
- Sewer drainage or backup problems: Utilities Operations - (941) 795-3411
- Water main break: Utilities Operations - (914) 792-8811 ext. 5268 or ext. 5216
- Building activity without a permit: Development Services Department - (941) 748-2071
No statistically, there is a 26% chance over the life of a 30-year mortgage of experiencing a flood. However, because Manatee County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy. This is backed by the Federal government and is available to everyone. If you have a mortgage that is federally funded or insured and your structures are in a Special Flood Hazard Area ("A", "AE", "VE") on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, you will be required to have flood insurance. Along some of the bays in Manatee County, land has been designated as part of the Coastal Barrier Resource System. Flood insurance is not available for structures substantially damaged/improved or for new construction in these areas. The Development Services Department Floodplain Section can show you where these areas are located. If you currently have flood insurance, verify the dollar amount and make sure you have contents coverage. The absence of prior flooding problems does not ensure that future flooding will not occur. Areas outside the Special Flood Hazard Area (X shaded and X unshaded) may also flood and account for approximately 25% of all flood claims and receive one-third of Federal Disaster Assistance for flooding. The rates in these zones are reasonable and you may qualify for a Preferred Rate policy. Contact an insurance agent for more information or visit the official National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) website.
Manatee County also is a participant in the Community Rating System (CRS) program of the NFIP. The CRS rewards communities that undertake flood damage mitigation and public awareness activities beyond the NFIP requirements. As a result, flood insurance policies in the Special Flood Hazard Areas receive a 25% discount and policies within the Non-Special Flood Hazard Areas receive a 10% discount.
Contact an insurance agent for more information regarding flood insurance. There is a 30-day waiting period before coverage takes effect.
Floodplain Management Section
Floodplain Management
The Floodplain Management section reviews building permit and development applications for compliance with adopted floodplain management regulations.1112 Manatee Ave W
Bradenton, FL 34205