Once you are released from custody on Pretrial Release, you will remain on Pretrial Release. You can petition your assigned Judge to change your release method but that typically means you will need to be rebooked in the county jail and re-released. To petition your assigned Judge, you must contact your attorney or by writing a letter to your assigned Judge requesting to remove Pretrial Release.
All refund requests require a written recommendation from a doctor indicating that the participant should withdraw from an activity or program to be entitled to a full or prorated refund, no administrative fee will be assessed. In the event that an activity or program is cancelled by the Sports & Leisure Services Department, the individual or group would be entitled to a full or prorated refund or credit. No administrative fee will be assessed. All refund requests must be accompanied by an original receipt or a copy of the cancelled check. Registration fees are non-refundable. Refund requests will not be addressed until the last week of camp is complete.
You can use marijuana only if you have a valid medical marijuana card. The card will be treated as prescription and must be submitted to your officer via email or provided in person at our office.
Please contact your officer at phone number: (941) 749-3051 to obtain the email address or to schedule a time to report to the office.
Yes. Please reach out to your officer via email or by phone to figure out how to get permission to travel. However, you can travel to the following approved counties for Pretrial Release Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas, Glades, Highlands, Polk, Charlotte, Hillsborough, Desoto, and Hardee. If you need to travel outside of the above counties, even for a day trip, you must contact your attorney or by writing a letter to your assigned Judge requesting permission to travel outside of the above counties.
The Handy Bus service is a door-to-door public transportation service provided for individuals with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route buses. It’s an advanced reservation, shared-ride service operated with accessible Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant vehicles.
Eligibility requirements vary by program. Program determination is based on verification of the written application and may also include professional verification and/or an in-person functional assessment.
Payment for County funded Human Services Programs is done on either a monthly or quarterly basis.
You can monitor the progress / check for an update on your court case by visiting the Manatee County Clerk of Court website and searching for court records. You can search for yourself using your first and last name or your case number.
You can access the Manatee County Clerk of Court website at: https://records.manateeclerk.com/CourtRecords/Search.
If you are having trouble finding yourself, please search using your case number.
Floridians can use the MyACCESS Portal to apply for, manage, and renew their government assistance, including SNAP and Medicaid benefits. For more information visitwww.myflfamilies.com/MyACCESS.
Customer Call Center: (850) 300-4323; agents are available from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Florida Relay 711 or TTY 1-800-955-8771
SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides nutritional support for low-income seniors, people with disabilities living on fixed incomes, and other individuals and families with low incomes. SNAP is a federal program administered by the Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency (ESS). ESS is responsible for determining eligibility for SNAP using federal guidelines.
The Florida Department of Children and Families does not have a physical location in the Bradenton area; however, local community partner agencies can answer questions and help with applications, providing access to public assistance services.
Assistance is also available in Sarasota: Sarasota One Stop Service Center: (877) 595-0384 1864 17th Street Sarasota Florida 34234
Make your request, provide reasonings for the request, and any other information you feel will help the Judge decide.
Things to include: Your full name, Your court case number, and an address to receive a response from the courts. Please keep in mind, that all materials sent to the Judge will become public information under the Sunshine law according to these Florida Statues: Title X: Chapter 119 Title XIX: Chapter 286
you can mail the letter to the address listed below or in person to the Clerk Of Court.
Judges Name
P.O Box 1000
Bradenton, FL 34205
The $30 registration fee does not secure your child’s spot in any of our camps. To guarantee a spot for your child, you must register and pay for the desired week(s) in advance. Please note that space is limited and camp sessions will fill up quickly. Once a week is full, we cannot accommodate additional campers due to programming space and camper-to-counselor ratios.
The No Contact Order will stay in effect the entire duration of your court case pending; it is not just until your first court date. You will need to have your court case closed before the No Contact Order can be terminated. You can also petition your line Judge to modify the No Contact Order via your attorney or by writing a letter to your line Judge requesting the modification.
The No Contact Order can also continue to stay if effect if ordered as a condition of Probation. If you were convicted, ask your attorney if the No Contact Order is a condition of Probation.
You will be on Pretrial Release the entire duration of your court case pending; it is not just until your first court date. You will need to have your court case closed before Pretrial Release can be terminated. Closure can be: Dropped Status, Dismissed, Plea, Jury Trial, Diversion Programs, etc.
The answer to this question depends on the complexity of your case and the number of questions you will have for your officer.
Meetings typically run at least 30 minutes. Please be prepared for these times to be the minimum.
Assistance is based on a sliding fee scale for Manatee County residents with incomes less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. For more information, please call (941) 749-3030.
EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) assists households with at least one person aged 60 and over with payment of electric bill final notices, deposits, and past due notices. Assistance level is based on funding availability.
Eligibility is based on household size and gross income. Call (941) 749-3030 to be screened for eligibilty.
Uninsured residents of Manatee County may be eligible to get help with the cost of prescriptions.
Who is Eligible:
Residents ages 18 and over with incomes less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Residents ages 60 and over with incomes less than 125% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Applicant must be completely uninsured.
Note: This is a program of last resort. Any other available prescription assistance shall be utilized and exhausted prior to an eligible recipient receiving assistance. Residents are eligible for six months.
For more information, please call (941) 749-3030.
During Summer Blast Camp, we plan to offer FREE lunches for weeks 1-10, courtesy of the Manatee County School Boards free lunch program. Menus will not be available this year. For more information visit www.SummerBreakSpot.org. (*Subject to change)
Children are expected to bring their own lunch during our holiday camps.
Contractors interested in participating in our housing rehabilitation and replacement programs can access our current Invitation for Bids (IFB)/Request for Proposals (RFP) and announcements through Neighborly web-based software. In order to access current jobs, Contractors must first register in Neighborly. For assistance, please email howard.jensen@mymanatee.org or by phone at (941) 748-4501, extension 3630.
Each year Manatee County anticipates receipt of an allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Programs (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
During January and February each year, public focus group meetings are held to solicit stakeholder/citizen comments on Manatee County’s low and moderate-income housing and community development needs, provide information about the eligibility of various kinds of activities and to answer questions regarding the grant programs. Feedback received is used to assist Manatee County in determining which priority when reviewing grant applications for the upcoming program year. When funding becomes available, generally in February/March Manatee County solicits grant applications from non-profit organizations to assist in addressing the housing and community development needs of the County’s low- and moderate-income residents. Contact us at 941-749-3030 for more information.
Many home buyers can afford a monthly mortgage payment but may not be able to pay all or a portion of the down payment and/or closing costs needed to purchase a home. Manatee County down payment assistance programs can help. Eligible Very low, low and moderate income residents of Unincorporated Manatee County and City of Palmetto may become eligible for assistance with the program.
As a first step in the process of meeting eligibility requirements, interested parties should schedule to attend a Homeownership Training Course with Step Up Suncoast - (941) 757-1166, Opt #1 or Community Solutions 360 - (941) 809-2231.
View guidelines information on the programs in the following brochures:
For Childrens' Services programs the following agencies are approved to apply with the Results As Services application:
• Weekend Meals, Feeding Empty Little Tummies
• Emergency Family Food and Baby Baskets, Meals on Wheels
• Kids Personal Safety, Manatee Children's Services
For Adult Services programs the following agencies are approved to apply with the Results As Services application:
• Gulf Coast Legal
• Keep Manatee Beautiful
• Legal Aid of Manasota
• Manatee Community Foundation
• Mote Marine
• Rubonia Community Association
• Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness
• United Way Suncoast
Adult Healthcare Services Priorities:
Inpatient and Outpatient Services; Substance-Use Disorder Expansion; Homelessness Prevention & Case Management; Outreach & Remote Medical Care; and Dental Services
Peer Recovery
Adult Human Services Priorities:
Aging Services; Career Education & Employment; Criminal Justice Diversion; Disability Services; and Legal Assistance
There are two locations:
West Campus
G.T. Bray Recreation Center
5502 33rd Avenue Drive West, Bradenton * East Campus John Marble Recreation Center * Dates: June 2 - August 8, 2025.
List of (potential) Included Field Trip Destinations:
Bowlero Bowling Lanes
Astro Skate Center
JumpIn Fun Inflata Park
Lakewood Ranch Cinema
Summer Circus Spectacular (Ringling Museum)
Manatee Performing Arts Center
Water/Field Day @ GT Bray Park
EVO Athletics
Sarasota Jungle Gardens
List of (potential) Optional Field Trip Destinations:
Painting with a Twist
Main Event
Cooking Class
Southshore Bay Lagoon
Tampa Bay Rays
Urban Air
Bishop Museum
Celebration Station
Dinosaur World
Please contact your officer as soon as possible to get that information. Reporting status vary person to person. Contact your officer at phone number: (941) 749-3050.
When applying for human services funding (Adult or Children) your program should have a result that reflects the risk factors your clients face and the change in their lives that comes about from receiving services through your program. This statement should also describe how many clients your program serves in a year and how many of those clients achieve this result.
This should be expressed using absolute, real numbers.
For example, Of the 90 children reading below grade level we anticipate serving, 80 will gain at least a grade level and a half of reading comprehension.
In a Results First application you will need to have at least 4 milestones for each result the program has.
Milestones are achievements your clients make during their time participating in your program that predict they are likely to succeed in achieving the result. Milestones should not be just participating in the program, but should be the achievements or life changes that clients typically make on their way to completing the result.
We are focused on maintaining a 1:15 ratio, which impacts the number of campers allowed each week. While this limits the number of participants in our program, we believe the experience is greatly enhanced by the quality of service provided.
Those registering weekly Day Camps need to register by 6:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the week you are registering for (if space is available). Camp space is limited and not guaranteed unless registered.
If registering for our Specialty Camps, registration is to be submitted and paid one week prior to the first day of that camp. Special Note: Specialty Camps are in high demand and tend to fill up each week. Registering early is encouraged.
The cost of supervision is fifty five (55) dollars per month.
This program will provide a sentencing alternative for offenders who could be given the option at the time of sentencing to perform various labor activities for the benefit of the community in lieu of incarceration at the Manatee County Jail. The program participant is paying his/her debt to society by working in Manatee County, thereby saving the taxpayer money. The Offender Work Program can be an extremely useful jail management tool.
A program participant is required to report to the Offender Work Program Headquarters regardless of the weather with the only exception being if hurricane conditions exist. If the weather prevents work from being done, the program participant may be redirected to other jobs. If the weather makes travel unsafe, the participant will be notified of any cancellation. Manatee County Offender Work Program Headquarters 1640 60th Avenue Drive East Oneco, FL. 34203
Prior to starting the program, a participant must pre-register in person at the office. During registration, a schedule will be developed, and instructions will be given.
A program participant should report wearing clothing suitable for manual labor in prevailing weather conditions. If you are directed to wear protective clothing, you must comply. Wear footwear appropriate for work. Athletic shoes with slip-resistant soles are recommended. No shorts, tank tops, or open toe shoes will be allowed. NO CLOGS OR FLIP FLOPS.
Manatee County manages many grant-funded programs to assist elderly residents. The programs provide services which enable seniors ages 60 and older to remain in their homes or the home of their caregiver. Some programs require a co-pay based on a sliding fee scale developed by the state. Nursing home and Assisted Living care is avoided or delayed through use of the following services:
Homemaker: Service includes housekeeping, meal planning and preparation, laundry services, and shopping for groceries, medical supplies and incidentals.
Personal Care: Services are directed at preserving the health of the elderly by assisting with personal hygiene and dressing, changing of bed linens, and preparing small meals.
Emergency Alert Response: An electronic surveillance service that monitors homebound seniors by linking them to a communication response center, which responds to emergencies.
Home Delivered Meals: Furnishes a nutritious noon-time meal delivered to the client's home.
Medical Transportation: Service available to elderly persons who are without a method of traveling to medical appointments.
Adult Day Care: Benefits adults who may be isolated and can profit from participation in a group setting.
Respite Care: Affords supervision and companionship in the home, for physically disabled or mentally impaired seniors. This program is designed to periodically relieve the primary caregiver.
Community Referrals: Program involves connecting seniors to other services available in the community (such as legal services) which are provided on a volunteer or at cost basis.
For more information, call the Manatee County Elder Helpline: (941) 742-5818.
Please bring the following:
Your driver's license / Florida ID / Passport/identification with your name, face, and birthdate.
All of the medications you are prescribed legally by a doctor (this is to include medical marijuana cards). An RX sheet is preferred. Call your pharmacy to request an RX sheet.
The address of where you are currently and physically living.
The best phone number to reach you for contact.
Please bring the following:
Your driver's license / Florida ID / Passport/identification with your name, face, and birthdate.
All of the medications you are prescribed legally by a doctor (this is to include medical marijuana cards). An RX sheet is preferred. Call your pharmacy to request an RX sheet.
The address of where you are currently and physically living.
The best phone number to reach you for contact.
All conditions of probation you have already completed. Be prepared to provide proof of completion (Completion Letters/Certificate, Signed Community Service Logs, etc.)
Applications for Fiscal Year 2025-2026, starting October 1, 2025, are currently open.
Applications opened on December 6th and close on January 29th, 2025 at 5pm.
Your termination date will be discussed during your Probation instruction / first meeting with your officer. If you have already had your first meeting with your officer, you can find your terminate date on your signed probation order.
Probation is found on the 5th floor of the Hensley Wing of the Manatee County Judicial Center.
Manatee County Judicial Center:
1051 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
Hensley Wing, 5th floor.
Directions once you are *inside* the Judicial Center:
Please enter through the metal detectors. Once through, take the stairs.
Once on the second floor, take an immediate left. You will see a picture of a Judge and a hallway.
In the hallway, please take the elevators 10 or 11 to the 5th floor.
Exit the elevators and enter the Probation Division landing. Walk through the only door.
Using the iPad on the wall, sign in for your officer.
Please sit in the lobby and wait for your officer.
These housing links may be searched for suggestions:
Florida Department of Children and Families: Floridians can use the MyACCESS Portal to apply for, manage, and renew their government assistance, including SNAP and Medicaid benefits. For more information visitwww.myflfamilies.com/MyACCESS.
Customer Call Center: (850) 300-4323; agents are available from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Florida Relay 711 or TTY 1-800-955-8771
SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides nutritional support for low-income seniors, people with disabilities living on fixed incomes, and other individuals and families with low incomes. SNAP is a federal program administered by the Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency (ESS). ESS is responsible for determining eligibility for SNAP using federal guidelines.
The Florida Department of Children and Families does not have a physical location in the Bradenton area; however, local community partner agencies can answer questions and help with applications, providing access to public assistance services.
Assistance is also available in Sarasota: Sarasota One Stop Service Center: (877) 595-0384 1864 17th Street Sarasota Florida 34234
Need help with pet food and supplies? Manatee County Animal Services offers a year-round Pet Food Pantry Program. Please call (941) 742-5933 to arrange for pickup of supplies at their Palmetto shelter location or at the Bishop Animal Shelter, 5718 21st Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34209.
Feeding Tampa Bay
(813) 254-1190
Meals on Wheels Plus
(941) 747-4655
Need help with pet food and supplies? Manatee County Animal Welfare offers a year-round Pet Food Pantry Program. Please call 941-742-5933 to arrange for pickup of supplies at their Palmetto shelter location or at the Bishop Animal Shelter, 5718 21st Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34209.
This is a list of subsidized senior housing locations in Manatee County. Please contact each individual location for eligibility and waiting list information.
The Courtney 699 Haben Boulevard Palmetto, FL 34221 941-722-5119
Presbyterian Villas 6125 14th St. W. Bradenton, FL 34207 941-756-9000
DeSoto Towers 1523 6th Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34205 941-748-2883
Summer Camp Registration for both campus locations, opens April 1. You can register online, or you can come to the G.T. Bray Recreation Center, 5502 33rd Avenue Drive West, Bradenton or John Marble Recreation Center, 3675 53rd Ave East, Bradenton, Fl 34203 and register in person.
You can pay the fines and fees in person at the Manatee County Clerk of the Court.
Manatee County Clerk of Court
1115 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
You can pay with cash, debit/credit card, or money order made out to: Manatee County Clerk of Court. A processing fee will be applied when paying with a debit/credit card. You must have your case number ready.
You pay the substance abuse or drug testing fee In Person at the Manatee County Clerk of Court located at:
Manatee County Clerk of Court
1115 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
You can pay with cash, debit/credit card or money order made out to: Manatee County Clerk of Court. A processing fee will be applied when paying with a debit/credit card.
Please have your case number ready.
The drug lab is located on the 2nd floor of the Judicial Center:
Manatee County Judicial Center
1051 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
Hours Open:
Monday - Friday: 7:00 am-4:00 pm
You must obtain permission from your officer prior to going to this location. Sarasota County drug lab:
1751 Mound Street
Sarasota, FL 34236
Hours Open:
Monday - Friday: 7:00am-4:30pm
For questions regarding Adult Human Services:
Chris Handy-Honeycutt, Adult Services Human Services Analyst
(941) 748-4501, 3677
For question regarding Childrens' Services:
Kristi Hagen, Children's Services Program Coordinator
(941) 748-4501, 3485
For questions regarding Health and Homelessness Services:
Thu Le, Health Services Program Manager
(941) 749-3500, 8173