To prepare for a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Certificate of Completion (COC), ensure the following:
- Ensure all final inspections, including Building, Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing, have been passed.
- Confirm that all CO Holds have been released.
- Verify that all associated fees have been paid. To check these items, visit our Online Services portal for easy access and verification.
Some common protection methods which can help reduce flood damage are:
- Elevating the structure above the flood elevation
- Relocating the structure outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area
- Adding flood panels over all openings below the flood elevation
For information on methods of protection, you may contact the Building Department/Floodplain Section.
Helpful publications from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Homeowners Guide to Retrofitting
- Design Manual for Retrofitting Residential Structures
- Floodproofing Non-Residential Structures
These publications are also available at the Central Library. They may also be ordered by calling the FEMA Distribution Center at 1-800-480-2520. Information on protecting your structure is also available from the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH).
Any alteration to your building, changing the existing grade, or fill activities in the floodplain requires a permit. Contact the Development Services Department prior to commencing any work for permit requirements. To verify if a contractor is licensed and insured, or to report unsatisfactory services from a contractor, please contact the Licensing Section of the Development Services Department at (941) 749-3047.
If requested, the Public Works Department or Development Services Department Floodplain Section will visit a property to review flood problems and offer suggestions to prevent flood damage, call (941) 708-7497 or (941) 748 4501, ext. 3843. The solution may be as simple as putting a swale along your property lines.
Caution: Do Not Walk or Drive Through Flood Waters
Drowning is the number one cause of flood deaths, and more people drown in their cars than anywhere else in an area flooded. Currents can be deceptive; six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. If you must walk in standing water, use a pole or stick to ensure the ground is still there. Do not drive around road barriers, the road or bridge may be washed out. The number two flood killer is electrocution. Electrical current can travel through water. Report downed power lines to the FPL Company at (941) 917-0708, 1-800-4OUTAGE, Peace River Electric Cooperative Inc at (877) 282-3656, or call 911.
Flood waters may be contaminated with oil, gasoline or raw sewage. Direct contact may cause serious health problems.
On June 8, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution R-21-089 approving the Inventory List of County land for use as affordable housing within the jurisdiction of Manatee County. As sites become available, they will be added to the inventory. Currently, the County is developing a process to consider requests from For-profit and Non-profit Developers who would be interested in developing affordable housing on these sites for rental or homeownership units. Once the process has been finalized, it will be posted to this website. View the resolution here:
Resolution 21-089 Surplus Properties
View more information on Surplus Property here:
Assigning an in individual Delegate status allows them to access to your account.
When you want other individuals to access, review and update your records (applications, permits, etc.) in your account, you can assign the individual or individuals as a Delegate to your account. Pre-Online Services, these individuals were called Agents.
This is often used by companies to keep all their projects in one account while allowing agents or employees to access their own account.
Delegate designation also allows all projects within one company to be assigned to one account.
To add a Delegate, the individual must already have an Online Services account.
- Go to Manage Your Account. From the homepage, click My Account or Account Management.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Manage Your Account page to the Delegates section.
- Click the Add a Delegate button.
- The Add a Delegate window will open.
- Add the Name and E-mail Address (for their Online Services Account). The email address is what links accounts.
- Select the permissions to allow view; create records; update, renew or amend records; manage inspections or documents and make payments for the delegate.
- Add a Personal Note for the email to the delegate. (Optional)
- Enter the words to prove you are not a computer, then click the Invite a Delegate button.
An email will be sent to the Delegate. An email will be sent to the individual you selected to be a delegate. This individual must go into their account and accept being a delegate.
Once the delegate accepts it will be noted in Manage Your Account under Delegates.
You will be able to edit by clicking View Permission or remove the Delegate by clicking Remove in the Actions menu.
In order to submit a building, planning, or licensing application, you must be signed into Online Services. If you do not have an Online Services account, you can set up a free account by clicking on the "New Users: Register for an Account" link on the homepage. Note that you must provide a valid email address when registering your account.
You will first be prompted to accept our disclaimer before creating your account. Next, you will need to create a user name, add your email, and set up a password and security question.

If you get a message that your username already exists with another website, you may already be registered with another agency using the same software. See the bottom of this section for further instructions if that is the case. Otherwise, click "Add New" to add your contact information.
You will need to decide if you are creating an Individual account for just your yourself or an organization account on behalf of a business. Once contact information is added, click the Add Additional Contact Address button to add your address. There are three address types:
- Mailing
- Home
- Business
Mailing address is required in all applications. Home address and business addresses may be required for some applications. By adding these addresses to your account, they can be auto-filled in any application that you create. If any of these addresses are the same, the address should still be individually added under each type in order to have it auto-fill in an application.
Once you are done adding your address(es), click Save and Close and the address window will close and return to the Contact Information window. Click Continue, and then Continue Application, and you will be registered to use Online Services and able to log in.
If you have an account registered with another jurisdiction using the Accela Software, and you use the same email address when you are trying to register a New Account with Manatee County Development Online Services, you will receive an error message.
- Click on the blue here link in the error message by your email address.
- This will open a new window allowing you to confirm your account with Manatee County.
- Enter the email address and password of your existing account.
- Add your contact information.
- Click Continue Registration.
- Enter the words or numbers in the box to confirm you are not a computer and click Continue Registration.
- You are now registered with Manatee County.
In order to view existing records in your Online Services account, you must link your Profession License to the account.
To link your license:
- Log in to your Online Services account and click on Account Management.
- In Account Management go to the License Information section.
- Click the Add a License button.
- Select your corresponding License Type from the dropdown menu and enter the License Number, including the Prefix, and click Find License.
- When your license information is returned, click Connect.
Manatee County Permitting Department will acknowledge the license in the system. Once the connection is acknowledged, you will see your permit.
To pay through the Online Services Portal you must be identified as a Primary Contact or Agent for the building permit.
Manatee County Administration Building
Attn Cashier 3rd Fl.
1112 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton FL 34205
- Locate Record (My Records if you're a contact, or by using the search features), and click Record Info.
- Click Processing Status in dropdown menu.
- Status of applications is listed showing all workflow steps, including steps that have been completed, steps in process and steps that have not been started.
In maintaining compliance with changes to Florida Statute 119.071, we have recently removed the search bar from the home page of Online Services. Users may still use the Advanced Search feature. For additional instructions on this, please read below.
Looking for a record you created or are associated with:
- Once logged in, click My Records.
- Choose the type of record: Building, Planning or License.
- All of your records will appear in a table. Click the Record Number link to view the desired record.
Using advanced search to find a record:
In order to use the search functions in Online Services, you must first create a free account and log into your account. Once logged in, please follow the instructions below to search:
If you do not know the record number of the record you are attempting to view, hover over the "Advanced Search" link in the blue toolbar and click on "Lookup Property Information." This will allow you to search by address.
If you do not know the address, hover over Advanced Search, then navigate your mouse to "Search Records/Applications." You can then select Building, Planning, Licenses, or Complaint and Service Requests. You will then be able to search by Record Number, Record Type, and the date range of the record, as well as the address and parcel number.
If your record closed prior to 02/28/2018, before Online Services went live, you can look in Civic Data to review CSV files of all permits issued since 1991. Note that these files only include data. To request documents, please contact our Records department.
follow the following steps to submit an application. Click on the
application name below for more specific information about required
- Gather the required supporting documents (i.e., building plans, surveys, Proof of Insurance, etc.)
- Gather the name(s), mailing address, phone number and email address for all professionals (applicant, agents, contractors, engineers, architects, etc.) or license applicant.
- Be prepared to pay the fees indicated in the Manatee County Fees schedules. All fees required at the time of application submission must be paid in order for an application to be accepted. Online payment may be made by credit card or eCheck.
Please see the Online Services user guide for instructions including screen shots or view the eLearning/YouTube videos.
- Log on to Manatee County Government Online Services. If you do not have an account, you may create one without charge. Note that you are not required to be signed in if submitted a Code Enforcement Complaint and may proceed to step 2.
- Under the "New" dropdown in the menu bar, select Building Permit, Planning Application, Licenses, or Code Enforcement Complaint. Acknowledge the disclaimer by checking the box. Click the Continue Application button.
- If using a license that is linked to your account or a delegate's account, select the license. Select the appropriate application from the dropdown list(s). Click the Continue Application button.
- Complete the application, filling in all required fields.
- When entering in address information, please use the Address Search button to automatically fill out all fields related to the parcel.
- When adding Contact Information, please use Select from Account in order to add someone who has an Online Services account. This will give the other user access to the application.
After submitting your application, you will
be able to upload your files into the Digital Plan Room (excludes
Building Express Permits, Door & Window Permits, Siding & Fascia
Permits as well as certain Planning applications). When uploading
documents, you will be required to upload specific documents based on
the application. These will be indicated in the Requirements dropdown.
If you do not have a document uploaded for each required document type,
you will not be able to move past this page.
If you are getting errors in the Digital Plan Room when uploading documents, please visit our Digital Plan Room Help Center for more detailed information.
- Locate Record, and click Record Info.
- Click Attachments in dropdown menu.
- In the attachments screen, click on the Add button.
- Once the File Upload window opens, click Add.
- An Upload pop-up window will open, allowing you to select the files to upload.
- When all files are selected, click Open. You may choose one file at a time and click the Add button after each, or choose several files using the Control key.
- Once you click Open, the document(s) swill appear in the File Upload window. Click Continue button when all files have been selected.
- Enter the Type of document using the dropdown menu and input the description for each document (both are required). Then click the Save button.
- Document is uploaded and attached to record.
When you are signed into Online Services, click "My Records" in the menu bar. Records are divided into Building, Planning, and Licenses. Each section will show any records that you are a contact on (or the delegate of a contact).
On this page you can also see the Record Status as well as available Actions. View of My Records in Online Services --Image

The below documents will be required for each application type:
Accessory Structure
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Aluminum Structure
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey, Energy Conservation Form
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit, Asbestos Notification Statement, Green Building
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey, Erosion Form
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Erosion Form, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Door and Window
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Mobile Home
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey, Erosion Form, Pool Safety Act Form
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit, Green Building, Asbestos Notification Statement
Roof Standard
Always Required: Florida Product Approval-NOAs
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit, Building Plans
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
Waterfront Structure
Always Required: Building Plans, Site Plans/Survey
Conditionally Required: Notice to Building Official, Private Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit
A/C Changeout Residential Express - no documents required prior to permit issuance
Residential Electrical Express - no documents required prior to permit issuance
Residential Roof Express - no documents required prior to permit issuance
Residential Plumbing Express - no documents required prior to permit issuance
Door Window Express - Florida Product Approval-NOAs
Residents around Lake Manatee are warned by a siren system when floodgates are opened to reduce the dam water/lake level due to large volumes of rain. The Utilities Department provides a telephone information line, (941) 746-3020, that provides Lake Manatee water and release levels.
Door-to-door warning sometimes can also be accomplished with law enforcement or fire department vehicles' public address systems. Flood warnings can be received directly from the National Weather Service by NOAA Weather Alert Receivers. These units are available from local electronic stores.
Manatee County Emergency Management has the ability to warn geographical areas via an automated telephone notification system. When the Emergency Operations Center is activated, Emergency Management will post the latest weather advisory and opened shelters on its website, Emergency Management homepage. The storm track will also be provided for a tropical storm or hurricane. Manatee Government Access (MGA-TV), the county cable channel, will be utilized to broadcast information to the public.
Additional television and radio news sources include:
Bay News 9 | WFTS Channel 7 | WFLA Channel 8 |
WTSP Channel 10 | WTVT Channel 13 | WJIS-FM 88.1 |
WMTX-FM 100.7 | WYNF-FM 105.9 | WCTQ-FM 106.5 |
WFLA-AM 970 | WBRD-AM 1420 | WWPR-AM 1490 |
All manufactured/mobile home residents in the county must evacuate at all evacuation levels.
You can protect your family and property. A personal disaster kit should include:
- Prescription drugs
- Portable radio
- Water for seven days in clean containers
- Hygiene items
- Batteries
- Important papers
- Non-perishable food
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
Other appropriate actions to take in preparation of a disaster:
- Listen to weather information updates
- Plan a flood-free evacuation route and destination and notify family/friends of that destination
- Clear your yard of loose objects
- Protect your windows and glass doors
- If sewer lines are damaged or backed up, avoid flushing toilets
- Secure your boat
- Turn off the main water, gas, and electric supply
- Move valuable contents to a safe area
- Clean and disinfect anything that got wet from flood waters
- Find evacuation zones on the Emergency Management home page. You may also locate your evacuation zone by referencing Manatee County's Public Safety Interactive Maps.
- Shelter information can also be found on the Interactive Maps.
For assistance in locating your evacuation zone, route, shelter, or to register for special needs evacuation assistance, contact the Department of Public Safety at (941) 749-3500 or Manatee 311 by dialing 3-1-1 (or 941-748-4501 if calling from outside Manatee County).
2024 Rental Limits Link: Rental Limits
Sales Price Link: Sales Price
Impact fees, including Education Facilities, are required to be paid prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion (as the case may be). Facility Investment Fees are required to be paid prior to issuance of the building permit.
Residential Impact fees are assessed based on square feet of climate-controlled floor area per each dwelling unit. Most non-residential developments are assessed on total square feet of under-roof floor area. Lodging developments, which include Recreational Vehicle Parks, are assessed based on a per room/per pad basis.
Flooding in Manatee County results primarily from tidal surge and associated wave action along the coastal areas of the county caused by tropical storms and from overflow of the rivers, creeks, sloughs, etc., caused by rainfall runoff in other areas. Some of these sources include:
- Manatee River
- Gamble Creek
- Buffalo Canal
- Little Manatee River
- Gap Creek
- Wares Creek
- Lower Manatee River
- Frog Creek
- Miguel Bay
- Braden River
- Rattlesnake Slough
- Terra Ceia Bay
- Myakka River
- Pearce Drain
- Anna Maria Sound
- Bowlees Creek
- Cedar Hammock
- Intracoastal Waterway
- McMullen Creek
- Drainage Canal
- Sarasota Bay
- Tampa Bay affects the mouth of Manatee River
This list is not inclusive as Manatee County has many creeks, sloughs and other watercourses that have been studied and mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and incorporated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
800 Combined Dry-In, Flashing & In Progress
801 Roof Dry-In & Flashing
802 Roof Sheathing/Re-Nailing
803 Roof Final Inspection
804 Roof In-Progress
805 Roof Pre-Inspection (Roof Over)
Roof Standard
106 Roof Sheathing
117 Building Final
132 Roof In-Progress
139 Combined Dry In, Flashing & In Progress
140 Dry-In & Flashing
Residential Door and Window Express Door/Window Standard
141 Door/Window Bucks 141 Door/Window Bucks
117 Building Final 117 Building Final
Pool (Gas Inspections Only)
303 Gas Rough In
304 Gas Final
Residential Plumbing Express Plumbing Standard
Plumbing Final-Video Inspection Plumbing Final-Video Inspection
AC Change Out Residential Express Mechanical Standard
Mechanical Final-Video Inspection Mechanical Final-Video Inspection
- Low Voltage Commercial applications must select Standard Electrical Application. This includes standalone applications for low voltage electrical systems such as telephones, data transmissions, fire and security systems, closed-circuit and cable television, paging systems and speakers.
- Applicants will use their existing license to apply. If the license begins with EC, ES, EF, or EG and is not already registered and active in Online Services, the contractor will need to register or renew their license first.
2. Low Voltage Residential Applications must select Express Electrical Application. This includes standalone applications for low voltage electrical systems such as telephones, data transmissions, fire and security systems, closed -circuit and cable television, paging systems and speakers for jobs exceeding $5,000 in costs within any 12-month period.
- Applicants will use their existing license to apply. If the license begins with EC, EF, EG or ES and is not registered and active in Online Services, the contractor will need to register/renew their license through Online Services first. For EF, EG, or ES, the applicant must then appear in person to submit their application as the license will have to be manually added to the application by County staff.
3. All Commercial and Residential Applications will not have a separate permit application for the low voltage work included in the scope of their application.
- For sub-contractors’ licenses beginning with EC, ES, EF or EG, the license must first be registered with Online Services before it can be added to the application. Then they will be added as a sub-contractor under the License Professional List during the application process.
All inspections must be scheduled by calling Inspections at 941-742-4190. The following inspections are available:
- 221 Low Voltage Rough In
- 222 Low Voltage Final
Designation Process
- Developer meets with Affordable Housing Development Coordinator to review project (s) and eligibility requirements.
- Developer completes Affordable/Workforce Housing application through Neighborly Click Here.
- Affordable Housing Development Coordinator reviews application and determines eligibility.
- Affordable Housing Approval Letter provided to developer with Rapid Response Certificate.
- Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting scheduled with developer/builder, Affordable Housing Development Coordinator, and Development Services (Planning and Plans Review) Teams.
Planning/Permitting Process
- Pre-application Meeting.
- Rezone (for density)/ Hearing with BOCC (4-6 months).
- FSP/Administrative (8-10 weeks).
- Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) executed prior to approval of FSP.
- For Homeownership Projects
- Application for Final Plat (eight weeks)
- Building Permit –concurrent with Final Plat (one week)
- Construction of up to 10 units can commence with approved building permit pending Final Plat
- Final Plat approval – Construction of full project
- For Rental Projects
- Building Permit –concurrent with Final Site Plan (8-10 weeks)
The Florida Building Code includes four separate risk categories for buildings in Florida. For more information on these risk categories, please refer to the Florida Building Code
The Florida Building Code also provides maps for each of the four categories, you can see the excerpted material here.
Permits expire after 180 days if no required inspections have been approved. In order for a project to be complete, it must pass final inspection(s), fees paid, and have all conditions met.
If a new permit is not obtained within 180 days from the date the initial permit became null and void, the building official is authorized to require that any work which has been commenced or completed be removed from the building site. Alternately, a new permit may be issued on application, providing the work in place and required to complete the structure meets all applicable regulations in effect at the time the initial permit became null and void and any regulations which may have become effective between the date of expiration and the date of issuance of the new permit.
If your permit expires and becomes null and void, you have the option to do one of the following:
- Obtain a demolition permit to remove all construction in connection with your expired permit from the building site.
- Resubmit documents for a new permit which comply with all codes, amendments, ordinances and regulations in effect from the time the permit expired until a new permit was issued and pay all appropriate fees.
- Submit application for an extension prior to expiration of your permit through online services.
- Permit extension request instructions.
Assessments which are not based upon millage and can become a lien against a property. Non-ad valorem assessments consist of two categories:
- Maintenance (levied annually) such as for street lighting
- Capital (levied for a set number of years) such as sanitary sewer line extensions.
A Special Assessment Project offers property owners within unincorporated Manatee County the opportunity to obtain new services or infrastructure that are not currently being provided. Examples include:
- Street Lighting
- Road Paving
- Sanitary Sewer Line Extension
- Potable Waterline Extension
- Reclaimed Waterline Extension
- Stormwater Ditch Piping
These services are paid through non-ad valorem assessments levied annually on the property taxes of the owners within a Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) district that is established for special assessment project.
What is an address?
An address is a method used to describe a physical location and is used by law enforcement, fire and ambulance personnel to provide emergency services response, and by the United States Postal Service for the delivery of mail.
Why is an address so important? Because “Every Second Counts in Emergency Response!”
Many people, including those in public safety, view enhanced 9-1-1 as a great emergency response tool. However, without accurate and consistent address information, it cannot always be counted on to help speed-up emergency response. Of the total parts that comprise the enhanced 9-1-1, addressing can be considered one of the most vital.
Below you'll find roof inspection information for the following categories:
As of Permit Number BLD2401-0000 (January 1, 2024) the following new code will be in effect.
Please see the below manual which serves as a comprehensive guide for current and prospective Private Provider companies conducting business in Unincorporated Manatee County. It is designed to complement Section 553.791 of the Florida Statutes and provides assistance rather than legal interpretation.
To view the Developer Estimated Timeline, click the link below:
Information on the Florida International Gateway can be found at the link below:
- Encourage at least 25% affordable housing units within mixed-income developments, scattered sites and infill development.
- Establish an efficient process for customer service and ease of program administration.
- Protect the community’s investment in affordable housing development.
- Ensure Compliance with State and County guidelines for affordable housing.
- Manatee County will pay 100% of impact fees (including education fees) and Facility Investment Fees (FIF) on the designated affordable units only. Impact fees include Libraries, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Parks and Natural Resources, Schools, Multi-modal Transportation, and the administrative surcharge. Facility Investment Fees includes potable water FIF and wastewater FIF.
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
- Developer submits an Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting Request and Designation application prior to building permits to Development Services through Neighborly Click Here.
- Affordable housing designation request reviewed, approval letter with rapid response certificate issued and reservation of funding occurs.
- Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) is recorded prior to Certificate of Occupancy (CO) and runs with property for 30 years.
- Homebuyer is approved prior to CO.
- County pays for impact fees and FIF at CO (administrative process).
Program Requirements
- Unit must be for sale and includes fee simple properties, single family, townhomes, tiny homes (following Board approval), and Duplexes/Triplexes.
- Homebuyer must be at or below 120% of Area Median Income (AMI).
- Sales prices of the unit must not exceed established guidelines set in County’s Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and reviewed every three years.
- Program is available in unincorporated county.
- Encourage at least 25% affordable housing units within rental, mixed-income developments.
- Establish an efficient process for customer service and ease of program administration.
- Protect the community’s investment in affordable housing.
- Ensure Compliance with State and County guidelines applicable for affordable housing development.
Incentive: 80% and Below Area Median Income
- Manatee County will pay 100% of impact fees (including education fees) and Facility Investment Fees (FIF) on the designated affordable units only. Impact fees include Libraries, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Parks and Natural Resources, Schools, Multi-modal Transportation, and the administrative surcharge. Facility Investment Fees includes potable water FIF and wastewater FIF.
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
- Projects receiving incentives up to $250,000, LURA is for 25 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving more than $250,000 and less than $500,000 in incentives, LURA is for 30 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives greater than $500,000, LURA is for 50 years from project completion.
Manatee County will provide:
- Site Improvements
- Density Bonus
- Expedited review and permitting per Florida Statutes 420.9076
Affordability Period:
LURA term is for 20 years from project completion.
- Developer submits an Affordable Housing Scoping Meeting Request and Designation application prior to Site Plan application to Development Services through Neighborly. Click Here
- Affordable housing designation application reviewed, approval letter with rapid response certificate issued and reservation of funding occurs subject to Developer having C.O. within two years.
- LURA* is recorded prior to approval of Final Site Plan (FSP).
- County pays for impact fees and FIF at CO per building (administrative process) for 80% AMI and below.
- Developer’s Management Company submits tenant applications to Community and Veterans Services (CVS) for tenant approval at time of lease up with supportive documentation for income eligibility determination and
approval of tenant in accordance with terms of LURA. - Once lease up is complete as specified in LURA, County monitors project annually for term of LURA*
*Note: If other incentives apply, most restrictive term for LURA takes precedence.
Program Requirements
- Rents do not exceed Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) maximums per bedroom count and income for household size. Click Here
- Development must serve 120% AMI and below (very-low, low, and moderate income households).
- Projects in the Urban Service Area boundary or unincorporated Manatee County.
- New construction preferred; residential conversions allowed.
Land Use Restriction Agreements: Affordability Periods
- Projects not receiving a Dollar Value Incentive, LURA is for 20 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives up to $250,000, LURA is for 25 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving more than $250,000 and less than $500,000 in incentives, LURA is for 30 years from project completion.
- Projects receiving incentives greater than $500,000, LURA is for 50 years from project completion
For information about the Planned Development Encouragement Zone (PDEZ) please follow the link below:
The Port Manatee Encouragement Zone is a County initiative to facilitate a greater range of employment-based uses near Port Manatee and helps strengthen the economic health of Manatee County. It includes the Florida International Gateway (FIG), Planned Development Encouragement Zone (PDEZ) and other incentives from the County's Economic Development staff.
For information please follow the link below:
Port Manatee Encouragement Zone
As a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Manatee County has been instructed by the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management to conduct plan reviews and inspections for projects that are in a FEMA SFHA.
Private Provider Program - FEMA Special Flood Hazard Plan Review and Inspection Process
Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles or Hot Dog Carts require licensure by Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations, Division of Hotels and Restaurants. They can be reached online or by phone: Department of Business & Professional Regulation
Hotels and Restaurants Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle or Hot Dog Cart or call Customer Contact Center at (850) 487-1395 Manatee County only has jurisdiction over the unincorporated area of the county and does not issue vending permits or licenses however, we do require the following regulations be adhered to: Must be located on active commercial property with the approval of the property owner, cannot block any drive aisles or parking spaces. Cannot be located in the County Right-of-Way.
Note: Permanent power supply will reclassify use from Mobile Food Dispensing to Restaurant and will require Final Site Plan approval.
The Administrative Procedures Manual, updated December 14, 2021, contains supplemental details and forms used in the administration of Manatee County’s Land Development Code (LDC) as it relates to "County capital facilities."
Please complete the application via the link below in its entirety if you would like to participate in the Affordable Housing Designation Incentive program.
The four Multimodal Transportation Benefit Districts are generally described as follows:
- Northeast (NE) - The area north of the Manatee River and east of I-75
- Northwest (NW) - The area north of the Manatee River and west of I-75
- Southwest (SW) - The area south of the Manatee River and west of US 301
- Southeast (SE) - The area south of the Manatee River and east of US 301
Click here to use the interactive map to search your address and find your district.
Any person who is not licensed and registered with the Construction Industry Licensing Board is working illegally. In addition, the State Attorney General's Office has stated that contracts made with an unlicensed contractor are not enforceable under law.
Another reason is the license provides some protection to the owner from being charged for work and materials not provided or paying twice for them (material suppliers and sub-contractors can place a lien on your home if they do not receive payment from your contractor). There are also trade licenses for those persons doing other work to provide some assurance that they have adequate knowledge and training in those fields.