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Services and Contacts


Request a Water Conservation Evaluation or Presentation

Manatee County Extension Service offers free landscape and irrigation evaluations, educational workshops, and Florida-Friendly Landscaping resources to promote water conservation and sustainable gardening. They also recognize water-wise landscapes through awards and provide additional conservation resources via the Southwest Florida Water Management District.Manatee County Extension Service offers free landscape and irrigation evaluations, educational workshops, and Florida-Friendly Landscaping resources to promote water conservation and sustainable gardening. They also recognize water-wise landscapes through awards and provide additional conservation resources via the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
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Request a Water Conservation Speaker

Manatee County's Water Conservation Program offers expert speakers for schools and community groups, free irrigation and landscape evaluations, and educational workshops through UF/IFAS Extension. Resources include Florida-Friendly Landscaping guides, Water-Wise Awards for conserving landscapes, and conservation tips from the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 
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Download Water Conservation Resources

Bring water conservation to life in your classroom with our Water Conservation Program!

Request a Rain Barrel

Manatee County residents and businesses can purchase rain barrel kits and arrange for pickups.
Cross Connection Control Office
Manatee County Utilities
Utilities Water Conservation
Water Conservation

Information and FAQ's

  • Cross Connection Control Program

    This team follows the policies and procedures to ensure compliance for annual testing of backflow assemblies.
    3647 Cortez Road West
    Bradenton, FL 34210
    More Information