Services and Contacts
Request a Traffic Study
Information about when requesting a traffic study may be necessary and how to request one.
Request Traffic Calming
Procedure process for requesting traffic calming measures in your neighborhood.
View Live Traffic Cameras
Live traffic camera feeds from Manatee County.
View Traffic Volume Data
Traffic count locations and data provided by the Manatee County Traffic Engineering Division.
Information and FAQ's
Manatee County is committed to providing a safe and convenient multi-modal transportation system to accommodate all users, including, but not limited to motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, transit and school bus drivers, delivery and service personnel, freight haulers, and emergency responders.
Manatee County collaborates with various stakeholders to plan, engineer, design, and implement transportation projects and programs throughout the County. Achieving traffic and roadway safety for all users is complex and requires a comprehensive approach.
- Always wear a helmet.
- Ride in the same direction of traffic on the street.
- Be visible, especially at night. Always use a white front light and a red rear light and reflector.
- Obey traffic signs, signals, and markings.
- Focus on the road.
- Avoid distractions while driving.
- Always watch for pedestrians.
- Slow down! Speed is the cause of 27% of crashes.
- Pass bicyclists safely, allowing a minimum of three (3) feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist.
- Always use sidewalks and crosswalks.
- Be visible. Wear bright, reflective colors on your clothes, shoes, belts, and wristbands.
- If no sidewalks are present, walk on the shoulder a safe distance from the travel lane, facing oncoming vehicles.
Traffic Management Division
Information about the Traffic Management Division and the Regional Traffic Management Center.2101 47th Terrace E
Bradenton, FL 34203