Contact Info
Traffic Management Division
Traffic Calming is the modification of a roadway to discourage cut-through traffic on local residential streets. It is seen as a long-term goal to redirect traffic to more efficient thoroughfares, allowing neighborhoods to maintain their residential character.
Roadway modifications may include, but not be limited to, speed tables, roundabouts, rumble strips, diagonal diverters, modified intersections and/or a combination of two or more treatments. Traffic Engineering also utilizes a speed monitor board, which is an effective, temporary device to warn motorists of their existing speed.
How to request Traffic Calming Measures?
The first step involves the formation of a working group to identify a need for traffic calming in the Study Area. This step must be taken prior to any further action by the Traffic Engineering Division. Once a working group is established by your community, either by your Homeowner's Association or your local group, please contact the Traffic Management Division. The full procedure process can be viewed here: Procedures For Requesting Traffic Calming

Service Output: Request
Hours Available: Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Any roadway within Unincorporated Manatee County