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Find an Emergency Shelter
- Shelter openings vary with each emergency. These shelters are hurricane evacuation shelters, not tornado shelters, cold weather shelters or flood shelters.
- Stay tuned to local media to determine which shelters are open. Shelters only open when all other local resources are expected to be expended.
- Be aware of which shelters are pet friendly. If you plan to go to a pet-friendly shelter, please be familiar with the Pet Requirements for Shelters (below) in advance.
- Sign up for the Special Needs Registry if you do not have transportation to get to a shelter and will need assistance.
- Public shelters should be a last option. It is always recommended to stay with family and friends if possible when you're told to evacuate.
- View a list of all Emergency Shelters here
Do not go to the shelter until local officials announce, through the media, that the shelter is open.

Service Output: Information
Hours Available: 24/7 Online Access