Services and Contacts
Check Beach Conditions
To check daily beach conditions at our guarded beaches.
Find a Lifeguarded Beach
Coquina Beach, Cortez Beach, and Manatee Public Beach are the only beaches in Manatee County that provide beachgoers with professional lifeguard and medical rescue services.
Find a Public Pool
check the current status of any public pool. This site is updated daily with any changes to our regular operating hours.
Invite Beach Patrol to Speak at your Event
If you would like to have a member of Beach Patrol speak at your school, civic group meeting, or agency, please call Beach Patrol at 941-749-3500.
Sign Up for Swim Lessons
The following instructional groups utilize space at Manatee County Pools for Swim Lessons and Swim Teams. Each group manages their own registrations. Please contact each group for additional information including registrations, times, and pricing.
Sign up for Swim Lessons (External)
The following instructional groups are also available in the Manatee County area. Please visit each website for more information.
Information and FAQ's
Please be aware that entrance is first come, first served for all pools. If you choose to host a birthday party or other event at the facility during normal operating hours, we will be unable to make exceptions for members of your group who arrive after we have reached capacity or reserve tables. Regular facility rules will apply to all groups, so all adults should come prepared to get in the pool with children under the age of 13.
- Individual is proficient and legal in all four (4) strokes
- Individual is a member of a local competitive USA Swimming or YMCA team
- Individual is active in attending swim team's workout plan
- Individual is registered as an athlete with USA Swimming and / or YMCA
- Individual has an athlete membership card from USA Swimming and / or YMCA
- Individual competes and represents their local USA Swim team and / or YMCA
- Individual abides by the conduct rules of USA Swimming and / or YMCA
Lifeguard towers post information boards that have the days info including tides, winds, air and water temps along current beach conditions. Manatee County Beach Patrol also uses a warning flag system to alert patrons of relative safety levels of the water and surf. This "Warning Flag System" is in place on our lifeguard towers. With a quick glance at an occupied lifeguard stand, beachgoers are able to be informed of the current water safety levels and basic conditions. These can change throughout the day depending on weather or other conditions.
Florida’s beach warning flag program uses flags in four colors accompanied by interpretive signs along the beach to explain the meaning of each color.
- Two red flags - Water Closed to Public (Agua Cerrada al Público)
- One red flag - High Hazard, High Surf and/or Strong Currents (Peligro Alto, Resaca Alta y/o Corrientes Fuertes)
- Yellow Flag - Medium Hazard, Moderate Surf and/or Currents (Peligro Medio, Resaca Moderada y/o Corrientes Fuertes)
- Green Flag - Low Hazard, Calm Conditions, Exercise Caution (Peligro Bajo, Condiciones Calmas, Tenga Cuidado)
- Purple Flag - Dangerous Marine Life (Vida Marina Peligrosa)
- NOTE: The absence of flags does not assure safe waters (La ausencia de banderas no asegura aguas seguras)
Each year in the United States, there are about 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes and about 300 people struck by lightning. Of those struck, about 30 people are killed and others suffer lifelong disabilities. Most of these tragedies can be prevented.
When thunderstorms threaten, get inside a building with plumbing or electricity, or a hard-topped metal vehicle! The National Weather Service collects information on weather-related deaths to learn how to prevent these tragedies.
Many lightning victims say they were “caught” outside in the storm and couldn’t get to a safe place. Other victims simply waited too long before seeking shelter. With proper planning, similar tragedies can be avoided. Some people were struck because they went back outside too soon. Stay inside a safe building or vehicle for at least 30 minutes after you hear the last thunder. While 30 minutes may seem like a long time, it is necessary to be safe.
The Lifeguards on our beaches are trained to watch for lightning and will close the beach when it is determined that it is a threat. You will hear a whistle blast and see a double red flag on the lifeguard tower.
No place outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area! This is the reason we clear the beach totally when lightning is detected. Stay in safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last sound of thunder.
The Lifeguards will change the flag color when it safe to return to normal beach activities.
Rip currents are responsible for the majority of drowning deaths in Florida. Learn more about rip currents and the best way to survive if you get caught in one.
Many of the drowning incidents in Florida have been attributed to rip currents. They are powerful natural phenomena in which even Olympic swimmers cannot make headway. The lifeguarding profession has found that the most powerful tool we have to fight rip currents is education. If you understand how rip currents form and the proper escape technique, your chance of survival if caught in one is greatly increased. Approximately 80% of rescues by lifeguards at America's surf beaches involve rip currents.
Rip Current Formation
When waves break, water is pushed up the slope of the shore. Gravity pulls this water back toward the sea. A rip current forms when the water that has “piled up” on shore rushes back out to sea in a narrow path; this usually occurs where there is a break or “breach” in a near shore sandbar, or if the current is diverted by a groin or jetty. Most rip currents are temporary and the trouble spots are less than 30 feet wide.
Rip currents may pull continuously, but they can suddenly appear or intensify after a set of waves, which pushes more and more water up onto the shore.
Rip Current Survival
When swimming, choose an area protected by lifeguards. If you are not a strong swimmer, go no further than knee deep. If you decide to swim, check the conditions first to identify any dangerous currents. Ask a lifeguard for assistance, they are there to help you.
You can sometimes identify a rip current by its foamy and choppy surface. The water in a rip current may be dirty (from the sand being turned up by the current). Waves usually do not break as readily in a rip current as in adjacent water.
If caught in a rip current, try to relax. A rip current is not an "undertow" — it will not pull you under. Do not try to swim against the current, as this is very difficult even for an experienced swimmer. If you can do so, tread water and float. Call or wave for assistance. If no help is available and you need to get back to the beach on your own, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current, then swim directly toward shore. Let the waves do the work. Swim with the waves back toward the beach, take your time, and remember to duck under the larger waves.
Information supplied by the U.S.L.A
For daily red tide conditions updated at 10 a.m and 3 p.m, go to and select Coquina or Manatee Beach on the map.
The algae that exist in our waters are important to our marine environment and the majority of algae species are not harmful. Yet, under the right conditions, the one called Karenia Brevis can grow rapidly. When the conditions are right, this algae can explode in number and this is called a "bloom". These blooms can be so large that it can make the gulf waters appear red or brown, so it is referred to as RED TIDE.
When a huge bloom occurs, Red Tide can produce a sort of gas that is dispersed in the air. This gas is called a "brevetoxin" and is responsible for killing fish and other marine organisms that come in contact with it. Florida is not alone when it comes to Red Tide, because red tide blooms occur all over the world. It seems like Florida's blooms are highlighted in the news more often than other areas that experience this phenomenon. The other areas, around the world, that have experienced Red Tide are Scandinavia, Japan, the Caribbean, and the South Pacific.
According to Mote Marine Laboratory, the first scientific documentation of Red Tide was back in the fall of 1947, when residents of Venice, Florida witnessed thousands of dead fish and a reported that a "stinging gas" was in the air and history also shows that Floridians reported events like this as far back as the mid-1800s.
We now know that Red Tide blooms move like jellyfish... its movement is impacted by wind and tides. This makes predicting the appearance and severity of red tide almost impossible.
Risks Associated With Exposure To Red Tide
From what we can see, people who swim in Red Tide or breathe in the brevetoxins can experience eye, nose, and throat irritation, as well as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It is believed that people who suffer from respiratory illnesses, like asthma or emphysema, can have more severe reactions.
In addition to killing fish, shellfish are also impacted due to the fact that brevetoxins can become concentrated in their tissues. People who eat these shellfish may come down with a neurotoxic shellfish poisoning that causes severe gastrointestinal and neurologic symptoms, such as tingling fingers or toes.
Manatee County Beach Patrol is involved in a Red Tide Program with the Mote Marine Laboratory, located just 12 miles away, and our personnel are up to date with red tide water testing results and any blooms that may exist in the area. Our lifeguard staff is well aware of the signs of red tide and will post signage and flags when this phenomenon occurs. If you have any questions about red tide or other beach conditions, please ask your nearest lifeguard.
More Red Tide Information
The Beach Patrol Division depends on two research institutes for information regarding our marine environment and they are the Florida Wildlife Research Institute (located in St. Petersburg, FL) and the Mote Marine Laboratories (located in Sarasota, FL).
Their efforts, regarding the study of the marine environment, are crucial to the understanding, protection and preservation our waterways and other aquatic ecosystems. For more information about Red Tide and about these agencies, please use the links provided below:
Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium
1600 Ken Thompson Parkway
Sarasota, FL 34236
PH: 941-388-4441
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
100 Eighth Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-5095
PH: 727-896-8626
Family swim is a recreational swim time where families enjoy quality time playing together and being together in our pool. There is shallow as well as deep water areas for patrons to navigate. The open areas are free of lanes lines and provide open water.
- All children 13 years of age and under are subject to a swim test given by the lifeguard
- Children who do not pass the swim test are fitted with a life jacket. An adult is required to be in the water with these children, no further than arm's length.
- Open water areas provide a family friendly pool time to practice water safety skills
- Learning more advanced skills and swim stroke technique involves repetition and frequency, and having an open pool allows for this activity
- General exercise and water play is encouraged
- Sharing lanes will be encouraged, either splitting the lane or circling within the lane
- When sharing lap lanes, communicate with other patrons of your intentions
- When on the wall, move to the right side to avoid any collisions
- Make quick and controlled turns at either end of the pool - open turns or flip turns
- When circling, always swim on the right side of the black line in the lane
- When splitting the lane, stay on the designated side of the lane - either left or right side
- Water Aerobics, water running, and socializing is not allowed during lap swim
- If problems arise, the Lifeguard should be considered first to find a solution
- All Patrons in lap lanes must swim laps
- Lap lanes are used only for continuous swimming
- Continuous swimming is defined as not stopping for over 20 - 30 seconds
- Lap lanes are available on a first come, first served basis
- The diving blocks are not to be used by lap swimmers
- Equipment such as pull buoys, masks, fins, snorkels, and paddles may be used
- The Lifeguard has a discretion to give a swim test to all patrons
- Lap swim test consists of four (4) continuous lengths of the pool of any stroke
- No hanging on lane lines or the side of the pool during lap swim
- Stopping only permitted at either end of the pool during brief rest
Beach Patrol Division
The Beach Patrol Division’s staff is tasked with the responsibilities of victim rescue, emergency response, and ordinance enforcement on the Manatee County beaches.