Preserve Closure Alert
Robinson Preserve closed for 5k/10k Race
Robinson Preserve will close on Friday, March 21 at noon for the annual Twilight 5k/10k. The preserve will reopen Saturday morning for normal hours (sunrise to sunset).

Duette Preserve
At over 21,000 acres, the Duette Preserve is the largest Preserve in Manatee County.
When Duette Preserve is closed on hunt weekends, please feel free to visit any of our other Preserves located throughout Manatee County.
To enter Duette Preserve by vehicle, you must visit during office hours.
• Hours: Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
• Fee: $4.67 per vehicle, plus tax

Emerson Point Preserve

Headwaters at Duette Preserve

Jiggs Landing Preserve
Concession and bait shop hours are managed by the Jiggs Landing Outpost.

Johnson Preserve

Leffis Key Preserve

Moody Branch Preserve
Moody Branch, a 960-acre site, was purchased by Manatee County in 2004 through a Florida Forever Program grant.

Neal Preserve

NEST at Robinson Preserve

Perico Preserve

Riverview Pointe Preserve

Robinson Preserve

Rye Preserve
The Ranger Station is open for limited hours to check-in campers during the camping season (September through May).
• Fridays and Saturdays, 3-7 p.m. (September through May).

Ungarelli Preserve
Natural Resources Department
Director of Natural Resources : Charlie Hunsicker
We take great pride in offering a vast array of programs and activities throughout Manatee County, which promote our mission of health for the community and environment.
Education and Volunteer Division
Education & Volunteer Divison Manager : Aedan Stockdale
The Education & Volunteer Division of Natural Resources oversees programs designed to connect people with nature through hands-on, educational experiences. -
Ecological & Marine Resources Division
Natural Resource’s Ecological and Marine Resources (EMR) Team consists of three groups: Ecological Resources, Marine Resources, and Mitigation.
Environmental Protection Division
The Environmental Protection Division is dedicated to safeguarding Manatee County’s air, surface and groundwater resources and natural areas for the benefit of those living and visiting the Gulf coast of Florida.
The mission of Family & Consumer Sciences agents is to promote economic, environmental, and social sustainability for families by providing education for living well in Florida, now and for the future.
The Family and Consumer Sciences educational programs link research, knowledge, and technology to the needs of individuals, families, and communities in the county. Dedicated to strengthening families through education, the belief is that the family:
- Is the most effective and efficient unit for building a competent society
- Has a right to meet basic needs and to make choices about its future
- Is interdependent within communities and their environments
Traditionally known as Home Economics, the Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) program provides citizens with education on the following topics:
- Family and Nutrition Program
- Nutrition and food safety
- Economic security
- Strengthening family relationships
- Disaster Preparedness
View the Family & Consumer Sciences page at the University of Florida IFAS Website.
For more information, please contact:
Nelly Nelson
Family & Consumer Sciences
(941) 722-4524 ext. 1854
For more information please contact:
Community Gardens Program Assistant
Mack Lessig
(941) 722-4524 ext. 1821
Manatee County UF IFAS extension services offers horticulture professionals in business or in public service, community associations and the general public unbiased and current information for maintaining Florida-Friendly Landscapes. This includes resources, information and classes to instruct on proper application and use of various pesticides and fertilizer in specific environments.
These classes provide, residents and professionals with up to date information and allows professional horticulture and landscape professionals to gain CEU credits for proper certification.
Please click the links below for more information:
- Local Fertilizer & Pesticide Trainings
- Statewide Pesticide CEU and Exam Prep Classes
- Schedule an Exam
- Landscape BMPs Videos for the Manatee County Fertilizer Ordinance (Spanish Version)
Contact: Michelle Atkinson
Environmental Horticulture Agent
Phone: (941) 722-4524 ext. 1818
The Commercial Landscape Horticulture program provides unbiased and current information for maintaining Florida friendly landscapes to horticulture service providers, in business or in public service, such as:
- Businesses - Landscape & lawn installation and maintenance, pest control, tree care, landscape designers and landscape architects, related services
- Property managers
- Condominium and homeowner associations
- County and municipal departments and employees
- Schools
- Retail garden centers
View the Commercial Landscape Horticulture page on the University of Florida IFAS Manatee county Extension website.
For more information, please contact:
Michelle Atkinson
Environmental Horticulture
(941) 722-4524 ext. 1818
4-H is a fun, educational program for young people ages 5-18. 4-H provides educational experiences through a "learn by doing" approach and helps young people acquire knowledge, develop life skills, and form attitudes to enable them to become self-directed, productive, and contributing members of society.
View the 4-H page at the University of Florida IFAS Manatee County Extension website.
For more information, please contact:
Alexandra L. Draper
4-H Youth Development Extension Agent II, M.S.
University of Florida IFAS Extension
Manatee County Agriculture & Extension Service Division
1303 17th Street West | Palmetto, FL 34221
Phone: (941) 722-4524 ext. 1844
Landscaping the Florida-Friendly way means using low maintenance plants and environmentally sustainable practices. Learn how you can have a beautiful landscape that could save you time, energy and money while protecting our future.
The mission of the Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program is to educate Floridians about science-based, environmentally friendly landscaping practices and to encourage them to conserve and protect our water resources by applying Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Principles in their landscapes.
View the Florida-Friendly Landscaping page on the University of Florida IFAS Website.
To request a free Florida-Friendly Landscape Assistance consultation, fill out this online form.
For more information, please contact:
Susan Griffith
Florida-Friendly Landscape Coordinator
(941) 722-4524 ext. 1825
The FMNP is an adult education UF/IFAS Extension program developed by the University of Florida and provided in multiple locations throughout Florida. FMNP training will benefit persons interested in learning more about Florida’s environment or wishing to increase their knowledge for use in education programs as volunteers, employees, ecotourism guides, and others.
For More Information go to the Florida Master Naturalist Website.
The marine extension program is a university-based program of research and education to promote the sustainable use of our marine and coastal resources.
It is a component of the Florida Sea Grant College Program that sponsors research at academic universities, governmental agencies, and private marine research facilities such as Mote Marine Laboratory.
Program activities include but are not limited to:
- habitat protection and restoration
- artificial reef development
- marine fisheries conservation and sustainability
- marine resource management,
- aquaculture development
Go to the Florida Sea Grant page on the University of Florida IFAS Manatee County Extension website.
For more information, please contact:
Angela Collins, Ph.D.
Assistant Extension Scientist
Marine Fisheries and Shellfish Aquaculture
(813) 671-5230