At over 21,000 acres, the Duette Preserve is the largest Preserve in Manatee County. It is located in the northeastern part of the County and contains the headwaters of Manatee River.
A wide variety of game and non-game animals can be found out at Duette Preserve, including species of special concern such as the burrowing owl, snowy egret, white ibis, gopher tortoise, and at least three endangered/threatened species, the Florida scrub jay, the Florida panther, and the Eastern indigo snake.
Duette Preserve is host to many of the native plant communities throughout Manatee County, providing protection and preservation of pine flatwoods, hardwood swamps, xeric oak scrub, depression marsh, and vast dry prairie.Hours
Outside of hunt weekends, Duette Preserve's walk-through gates are open daily from sunrise to sunset to pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian traffic. When Duette Preserve is closed on hunt weekends, please feel free to visit any of our other Preserves located throughout Manatee County. To enter Duette Preserve by vehicle, you must visit during office hours. • Hours: Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. • Fee: $4.67 per vehicle, plus tax- Camping
- Fishing Access
- Grills
- Interpretive signage
- Outlooks and Observation Towers
- Picnic areas
- Picnic Shelter
- Picnic Tables
- Pond
- Restrooms
- Shower Stations
- Walking Trail
- Wildlife viewing areas
Hunt Program
Manatee County manages a hunt program at Duette Preserve and the following is a summary of regulations pertaining to hunting in Duette Preserve. For the exact wording of the wildlife laws and regulations of Florida, see the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Florida Wildlife Code on file with the Secretary of State and state libraries.
Know Before You Go
- Check Station phone number is (941) 737-2661
- Access Gates into Duette Preserve will be CLOSED the Friday before every hunt weekend.
- No Refunds of purchased hunts.
Please mail payments to:
Duette Preserve
2649 Rawls Road
Duette, Florida 34219
Hunt Applications
Completed application may either be:
- Brought in to the Duette Preserve Check station during Saturday business hours of 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
* The Duette Preserve Check station will be open to collect completed applications from 7AM - 2:30PM on Saturday June 8th 2024
PLEASE NOTE!!! All hunt application drop offs MUST be brought in through the Rawls Road Entrance!!! All other satellite gates will be locked out Friday June 7th through Saturday June 8th!! - Dropped off at mailbox labeled HUNT APP located at the end of Rawls Road . . after 2:30PM on Saturday June 8th 2024
- Mailed to the Duette Preserve Check station at 2649 Rawls Road, Duette, Florida 34219
2024-2025 Duette Preserve Hunt Application
2024 - 2025 Hunt Program
Duette Preserve's Hunt Application is now available for the 2024-2025 season. If you would like to hunt at Duette, please see the schedule below. To qualify for a hunt, please fill out the application and mail it to Duette Preserve, 2649 Rawls Rd, Duette, FL 34219.
In addition to the Duette Preserve regulations listed in the Hunt Brochure, all laws and regulations of the State of Florida relating to wildlife shall apply to the Hunt Program. Duette Preserve regulations are more restrictive than the state regulations. Hunting or the taking of wildlife shall be allowed only during the state open seasons and preserve scheduled hunt weekends, and only in the manner set forth in the Hunt Brochure. Each participant must provide a Hunter Safety Certificate.
New applicants: please send Hunters’ Education Certificates with registration. Please respect others’ rights and property.
If there is a problem, please call the check station at (941) 737-2661
General Regulations
In addition to the regulations which follow, all laws and regulations of the State of Florida relating to wildlife shall apply. Duette Preserve is not a state wildlife management area. It is managed by Manatee County Government. Duette Preserve regulations are more restrictive than the state regulations. Hunting or the taking of wildlife shall be allowed only during the state open seasons and Preserve scheduled hunt weekends, and only in the manner set forth herein.
Each hunter is personally responsible for the knowledge of and adhering to all laws and rules pertaining to this hunt program and Duette Preserve.
- Each new participant must provide a copy of his/her Hunter Safety Certificate at the time of registration. No exceptions.
- Any person entering Duette Preserve during the prescribed hunts, other than archery hunts, shall wear at least 500 square inches of Dayglo fluorescent orange material above the waistline as an outer garment. A head covering of the same color is also required. The Dayglo fluorescent orange material must be visible at all times, including while in ground blinds.
- During hunt weekends, access to Duette Preserve is restricted to hunters with a valid hunt permit for the designated hunt and two immediate family members (see Children and Family). Entry and exit is permitted through the Check Station only.
- The use of feeders, baiting, or the possession of baiting materials of any kind is prohibited. Trapping of any kind is prohibited.
- There are quiet times during the Big Game season. Walking around or driving during this time is prohibited. A Quiet Time Schedule is distributed at Orientation and is posted at the Check Station on the board with the buck quota.
- Male deer (buck) must have a minimum of three (3) points on one side.
(A point is defined as antler growth off the main beam that is 1” in length.) - A buck harvest quota is established for each Big Game weekend. Unfilled buck quotas are not carried over to future hunts. If the buck quota is filled on the first day of the hunt weekend, only feral hogs may be taken the second day. The buck quota is posted at the Check Station. Only one deer may be harvested per permitted hunter per Big Game Weekend, regardless of quota.
- All deer must be dressed at the Check Station so the health of the harvested deer can be evaluated. All deer harvested are required to have one jawbone extracted for aging. All hogs shall be dressed at the check station, unless justification is accepted and prior verbal authorization is given by a ranger on duty.
- Transport of deer or parts of the deer off of the property requires a copy of the harvest sheet signed by staff. It is the hunter’s responsibility to acquire a copy of the harvest sheet from staff. See Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Hunting Handbook for state rules on dismemberment.
- Hunting is prohibited in areas posted “No Hunting.”
- State regulations regarding buffer zone distances apply.
- The waste of wildlife is prohibited.
- No plants, or their parts, or any animals shall be introduced, liberated, planted, or placed in any part of Duette Preserve by visitors.
- Littering and the possession of alcohol is prohibited everywhere within Duette Preserve.
- In accordance with Manatee County Code of Ordinances staff may order any person to leave the park and may also request law enforcement to deliver such an order if they exhibit disruptive or unsafe behavior.
Children and Family
- Only two (2) immediate family members (defined as a spouse or child 17 years or younger) may accompany a permitted hunter. Family members must show proof of having completed a Hunter Safety Course.
- Children under the age of 18 cannot possess a permit and are required to accompany a permitted adult. (Only two children per permitted adult.)
- Children participating in the Youth Hunt must have completed a Hunters Education Course and be in the presence and under the supervision of an adult. F.S. 790.22 and 784.05.
Hunting Safety
- During Muzzle-loader season firearms may be discharged at the Check Station area. Please notify staff first.
- Please follow ethics and safety practices learned as provided by State Hunters Safety Education Course.
- Only leashed dogs suitable for trailing wounded game will be permitted during the Big Game season. Dogs must be placed in owners’ portable kennels and left at the Check Station with food and water until needed.
- During Small Game hunts, only bird dogs (pointers and retrievers) will be allowed.
- All dogs must wear collars bearing the name and address of the owners and have proof of current rabies vaccination.
- In all cases owners are responsible for their dogs and their dogs’ actions.
Stands and Trail Cameras
- All stands and trail cameras must have the name and phone number of the hunter clearly marked within 5 feet of the ground. If this information is not on the stand, Department staff will remove the stand from Duette Preserve.
- Only two stands per hunter allowed. Stands include climbers, ground blinds, chairs, etc.
- Climbing stands and ground blinds may be placed or moved before or after the Quiet Time during Big Game hunts. No other hunting stands may be moved during Big Game hunts.
- No permanent stands or stands that will damage vegetation will be permitted.
- Driving a metal object into any tree or hunting from a tree into which a metal object has been driven is prohibited.
- Prescribed fire is applied year-round. Staff are not responsible for personal property left on site.
- No hunting is allowed within 100 feet of mapped trails, which includes sitting in vehicles or blinds. Trails are not to be used as shooting lanes.
- Any vehicle entering Duette Preserve must have a current registration, meet federal and state safety requirements, and be operated by a licensed driver with appropriate insurance.
- Vehicles shall not be parked in such a manner as to obstruct roads, gates, or fire lanes.
- Vehicles may be operated only on vehicle trails. Trails can be closed at any time.
- With prior authorization of staff, hunters may drive on fire breaks for game removal only.
- The presence of a ‘CLOSED’ sign restricts access to foot traffic only.
- Vehicles must be operated in a safe manner for the condition of the vehicle trails.
- Maximum speed limit is 20 mph.
- During hunt weekends, permitted hunters wishing to camp must register at the
Check Station. - Trailers, tents, and equipment must be removed by Sunday at 9:00 p.m. on each hunt weekend.
- Campground quiet time is 10:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. and will be strictly enforced.
- Generators may be used if properly muffled, but must be turned off at 10:00 p.m.
- Fires are permitted in grills and fire rings only.
Check Station
- Hunters must check in and out at the Check Station. Violators may lose hunt privileges.
- Hunters may enter the preserve through the check station at 5:00 a.m. for Big Game hunts, and 5:00 a.m. for Small Game hunts.
- All game must be checked in by staff at the Check Station. If a deer is shot on Saturday and not recovered, the hunter must report the event to staff on Saturday before leaving the property. If not, the penalty for violation of closed buck quota will be assessed.
- During hunts, the preserve closes at 9:00 p.m. Anyone exiting after 9:00 p.m. may
lose hunt privileges.
Equal Opportunity & Access
- Equal Opportunity and Access requests must come through the Natural Resources Department Duette Preserve Office, 941-737-2661. Requests must be made no later than 30 days prior to hunt for which access is being requested.
- Sales will be determined on a first come first served basis.
- Payment in full is required with each application.
- Permits are non-transferable from person to person or to a different date.
- Fees are non-refundable and do not include the mandatory 7.0% sales tax. Please calculate the 7.0% tax and include it with your payment.
Permitting & License Information
Appropriate licenses and permits required.
- All hunters are required to attend a scheduled orientation before receiving hunt permits.
- All hunters are required to provide proof of completed Hunters Education Course before receiving permits. Hunters Safety Course Certificates from other states will be honored.
- If you do not fulfill these requirements, you will not be permitted to hunt and any fees processed may not be refunded.
Hunting License
A State of Florida hunting license may be purchased from the County Tax Collector’s Office or from their sub-agents. Information on the categories and costs of hunting licenses is available in the Florida Hunting Handbook.
Quota Hunt Permit
- There will be 100 quota hunt permits issued for each of the scheduled hunts.
- Applications will be available online and at the Duette Preserve Office.
Application Fee/Annual Pass
Fee is paid once annually and is valid until the following year’s hunt registration.
- Residents of Manatee County................................................................ $25.00 + tax
- Non-residents of Manatee County......................................................... $35.00 + tax
Permit Fees
Permit fees are paid per hunt.
A-G Hunts
- Residents of Manatee County............................................................ $60.00 + tax
- Non-residents of Manatee County..................................................... $95.00 + tax
H-K Hunts - Small Game
- Residents of Manatee County............................................................ $25.00 + tax
- Non-residents of Manatee County..................................................... $40.00 + tax
United Way Fundraiser Hog Hunts
- Residents and Non-Residents……………………………………............$10.00
- Exact Cash or Check, to be paid the morning of the hunt
Bag And Possession Limits
Eligible species for harvest listed below
- Deer............................................................................... One per quota hunt permit
- Feral Hog...................................................................................................... No Limit
- Gray Squirrel, Quail, Rabbit, Raccoon, Armadillo…...…..See State Handbook
- Snipe................................................... See State Hunting Handbook 2024-2025
- Coyote................................................. See State Hunting Handbook 2024-2025
2024-2025 Hunt Season
- Application and Permit payments must be either exact cash or checks made out to Manatee County.
- Applications will be processed as soon as they are received. First come first served until hunts are sold out.
- Stands may be placed on the property beginning on Saturday, August 10th 2024 at 5:00 a.m. Tree stands must be removed by June 1st 2025.
(Mandatory) Saturdays 9:00 a.m.
- Big Game: August 3rd 2024 or August 17th 2024
- Small Game and United Way: January 18th 2025
Missing mandatory orientation will result in NOT being able to hunt during the 2024-2025 Duette Preserve Hunt Season.
Big Game Season
Archery and Crossbow
A B and C hunts only: Legal to take only one male deer or one antlerless deer, except spotted fawn, until the quota is reached, and unlimited hogs.
- September 14th and 15th 2024
- September 21st and 22nd 2024
- October 5th and 6th 2024
Muzzleloading Gun
Legal to take only one male deer until the quota is reached, and unlimited hogs.
- October 19th and 20th 2024
- November 2nd and 3rd 2024
General Gun
Legal to take only one male deer until the quota is reached, and unlimited hogs.
- December 7th and 8th 2024
- January 4th and 5th 2025
Youth Hunt
Fees, availability, and application procedure may be obtained from staff.
- November 23rd and 24th 2024 … Maximum fifty (50) participants
Small Game and Hog
5 AM – 9 PM
Legal to take hog, gray squirrel, quail, rabbit, snipe, and coyote.
- January 25th and 26th 2025
- February 1st and 2nd 2025
- February 15th and 16th 2025
- February 22nd and 23rd 2025
United Way Fundraiser Hog Hunts
Saturday Only: 5 AM – 9 PM
- April 12th 2025
- April 19th 2025
Turkey Hunt
Spring Gobbler Only
Drawing for hunts will be held on Wednesday, February 26th 2025
- Shotgun or bow only
- One turkey per permit
- Hunter may be accompanied by two (2) assistants during Turkey Hunt.
- 10 hunters will be randomly drawn
- 6 days of hunting:
- March 15th and 16th 2025
- March 22nd and 23rd 2025
- March 29th and 30th 2025
- Spring Youth Turkey Hunt
- March 8th and 9th 2025
- Four (4) randomly drawn participants
- Hunting begins at 5:00 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m.
- One entry per person
- Draw Entry Fee $15.00 + tax
- Turkey Permit – Resident $175.00 + tax
- Turkey Permit – Non-Resident $250.00 + tax
Duette Primitive Camping
Friday and Saturday nights during non-hunt weekends.Primitive tent camping at Duette Preserve is available Friday and Saturday nights during non-hunt weekends. The campsite features a large open grass area with bathroom on site. No running water or power available on site.
Camping Fees & Registration
Camping fees: $20 a night per site (up to six people per site) + 7% sales tax + 5% Tourist tax = $22.40/night. Cash or check only. No credit cards.
Camping registration: You must come to the Duette Preserve Check Station on that Saturday between the times of 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to pay for your camping.
Reserve a Campsite
- Check that there is no scheduled hunt for the particular weekend you plan on camping.
- Call the Duette Preserve check station at (941) 737-2661 in advance to let us know you would like to camp at Duette (preferably the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday before you plan on camping – this gives us time to clean the bathrooms and mow if necessary).
- Leave a message with your name and number if no one answers.
- Print out the Annual Activities Pass and fill out the form completely, circling the dates you wish to camp (Friday, Saturday or both). Have this with you and your payment when you come to camp.
- You will receive the gate combination to the Preserve access gates for that particular weekend.
- You will then be able to enter the Preserve to camp on Friday, Saturday, or both days.
Duette Preserve Primitive Camping Rules
- Camping permitted at campground only.
- Maximum six adults per single tent campsite.
- Persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
- No generators permitted.
- Pets are allowed but must be on leash at all times.
- Campfires are permitted, except during burn bans issued by Florida Forest Service. Firewood is not available and collecting is not permitted. Fireworks are not permitted.
- Please do not cut trees or shrubs or remove any plant or animal.
- Quiet hours are from 10 p.m until sunrise.