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Duette Preserve


Duette Preserve

2649 Rawls Rd
Duette, FL 34219

At over 21,000 acres, the Duette Preserve is the largest Preserve in Manatee County. It is located in the northeastern part of the County and contains the headwaters of Manatee River.

A wide variety of game and non-game animals can be found out at Duette Preserve, including species of special concern such as the burrowing owl, snowy egret, white ibis, gopher tortoise, and at least three endangered/threatened species, the Florida scrub jay, the Florida panther, and the Eastern indigo snake.

Duette Preserve is host to many of the native plant communities throughout Manatee County, providing protection and preservation of pine flatwoods, hardwood swamps, xeric oak scrub, depression marsh, and vast dry prairie.


Outside of hunt weekends, Duette Preserve's walk-through gates are open daily from sunrise to sunset to pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian traffic. When Duette Preserve is closed on hunt weekends, please feel free to visit any of our other Preserves located throughout Manatee County. To enter Duette Preserve by vehicle, you must visit during office hours. • Hours: Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. • Fee: $4.67 per vehicle, plus tax
Duette Preserve Welcome Sign with tail in background