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Groundwater Management

This section protects groundwater and drinking water though proper construction of water wells and proper management of hazardous materials and pollutant storage tank systems. This is accomplished through inspections and permitting of water wells, annual inspections of pollutant storage tanks, and compliance assistance to owners of hazardous waste facilities.

Groundwater Data Access

Search and retrieve Manatee County and State records for permit and compliance inspections of regulated storage tanks, hazardous waste facilities and water wells. Both recent and historic data are available through the links provided. 

County investigations of citizen-reported environmental complaints for the years 1983 to 2007 may also be retrieved below. Investigations by all Environmental Protection Division program areas are included - Air, Groundwater. Mining, Watershed and legacy programs. 

Disclaimer: Historic data are provided for general information only as a public convenience. The Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County are not liable for misuse of these records. State agencies maintain the official records for all of these programs.

Hazardous Waste - Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Data

  • Compliance files for Hazardous Waste Facilities. This data includes all electronic documentation associated with inspections conducted by Manatee County at businesses and other locations for compliance with State/Federal hazardous and oily waste regulations.  Likewise, cleanup information and other DEP inspections, particularly at large quantity generators, can be found at the link.
  • Searching Manatee County inspection records. The search box to the upper left of the record listing performs a full-text search. County inspection records are organized in subdirectories by the State-issued 6-digit facility ID number. One directory is used for each facility. Directory names include an abbreviated facility name in addition to the facility id number. You may find the facility ID number for an existing facility by using the DEP link. Or, you may search for the business name. Many facilities in the County records are historic or closed facilities and may not appear in current DEP records.

Search Manatee County SQG Inspection Records


Pollutant Storage Tank (PST) Data

  • Compliance files for Pollutant Storage Tank Facilities.This data includes all electronic documentation associated with inspections conducted by Manatee County at state regulated storage tank sites.  The data is arrange by facility ID # and can be searched by that number or facility name.  The data is generally limited to files generated after 2005 and in no way represents all available documentation for a given facility.  Historical data and additional information regarding discharges and cleanup are housed with the DEP.  See link below.  Please note that the an advanced search screen is available at the link.
  • Searching Manatee County inspection records. The search box to the upper left of the record listing performs a full-text search. County inspection records are organized in subdirectories by the State-issued 6-digit facility ID number. One directory is used for each facility. Directory names include an abbreviated facility name in addition to the facility id number. You may find the facility ID number for an existing facility by using the DEP link. Or, you may search for the business name. Many facilities in the County records are historic or closed facilities and may not appear in current DEP records.

Search Manatee County PST Inspection Records


Water Well Permitting Data

  • Historical Water Well Construction files. This data includes all well permits, completion reports, and related paper documents scanned into files arranged by Section/Township/Range.  Subdirectories are ordered by Township/Range which include individual Section files.  Documents go back to the 1960's.  More recent permit data can be found at the SWFWMD link below.
  • Searching Manatee County permitting records. The search box to the upper left of the record listing performs a full-text search. County permitting records are organized in subdirectories by Township and Range of the Public Land Survey (PLS) system. Within each subdirectory are PDF files containing scanned paper records from each Section in the Township with permitted activity. PLS data are available from commercial map books, deeds, survey records or tax assessor records. Manatee County water well records are very old. Current well permitting records are available from SWFWMD.

Search Manatee County Water Well Permit Records

Search SWFWMD Well Construction Permit Records

Complaint Investigations

  • Historic Complaint investigations. This data is in the form of scanned paper records and includes citizen-reported environmental complaints for all Environmental Protection Division programs from 1983 to 2007. More recent records are only available at the Environmental Protection Division office at the Manatee County Administration Center, 1112 Manatee Ave. West, Suite 203, Bradenton, FL, 34205.
  • Searching Manatee County investigations. Records are organized into subdirectories by calendar year. Consult the index files to determine which complaint investigations may be of interest and note the complaint number in the first column. Complaint numbers are in the format of "YYYY-NNN" where the first set of digits indicate calendar year and the second set is a serial number. Note that newer complaints have a field labeled "STR" which indicates the approximate Section, Township, and Range of the complaint location in the Public Land Survey system (cardinal suffixes are omitted).

Index of Complaint Investigations in an Excel Spreadsheet (Excel)

Index of Complaint Investigations in a Comma Separated Value Text File (CSV)

Search Manatee County Complaint Investigation Records (*Opens in New Tab)

Text search features in application software will facilitate searches.

Hazardous Waste (Small Quantity Generator, SQG) Program

This program handles inspections of all businesses with the potential to generate hazardous waste. Business owners seeking information on proper management of hazardous and oily wastes should follow the link for additional information.

The Manatee County Natural Resources Department (NRD), Groundwater Management Section, maintains an inspection program for small businesses that have the potential to generate hazardous waste. This program is mandated under Florida Statutes, Sections 403.7234 and 403.7225, and requires local governments to assist business owners in the management of hazardous and regulated wastes. 

There are over 2000 businesses in Manatee County on the SQG list, including print shops, boat builders, automotive and body shops, and a host of other industries. Examples of common waste streams include waste oil, spent solvents, filters, and fluorescent bulbs, just to name a few. Our inspections are typically unannounced and require owners/operators to produce disposal records and provide access to the entire facility. Each site is inspected every 5 years or less based on a priority system.

Useful Links

Pollutant Storage Tank Program

This program handles inspections of pollutant/petroleum storage tanks, such as those located at retail gas stations. Individuals seeking information on potential petroleum impacts from such facilities or contractors working on such systems in Manatee County should follow the link for additional information.

The Manatee County Natural Resources Department (NRD), Groundwater Management Section, contracts with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to inspect all petroleum storage tanks in Manatee County. Facilities with underground storage tanks having a capacity of greater than 110 gallons and above-ground storage tanks over 550 gallons are inspected annually. Typical sites include retail gasoline stations, private businesses, and agricultural operations. Currently, there are over 350 regulated facilities in Manatee County. 

The primary focus of this program is to protect groundwater from being contaminated with petroleum or other pollutants and to assist facility owners and operators with maintaining compliance.

All underground storage tank systems must be double-walled by December 31, 2009, to meet the state's upgrade schedule.

Useful Links