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Services and Contacts


Apply for CDBG: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding

Manatee County Community Development Programs are funded by the federal U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. The goal of the program is to provide affordable housing, social services, infrastructure, and opportunities to expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. 

Apply for Homeowners Rehabilitation and Replacement Program

Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies. 

Apply for the Down Payment Assistance program

Working with its citizens to make the American dream of homeownership become a reality, Manatee County Government continues to demonstrate its commitment to the housing needs of county residents through the establishment of the Manatee County Local Housing Assistance Plan. It is through this plan that the county seeks to meet the affordable housing needs of its citizens by developing key housing partnerships among public, private and non-profit agencies. 

Find Resident Resources

A comprehensive list of services available to residents of Manatee County.

Find Shelter for People Experiencing Homelessness

Find assistance, shelter or nighttime residence

Home Down Payment Assistance (Homeownership Training Course)

Many home buyers can afford a monthly mortgage payment but may not be able to pay all or a portion of the down payment and/or closing costs needed to purchase a home. Down payment assistance programs can help. As a first step in the process of meeting eligibility requirements,  interested parties should schedule to attend a Homeownership Training Course.

Receive Counseling for Housing and Financial Literacy

HUD-Certified Counseling for At-Risk Families-The Housing Counseling program provides one-on-one counseling for families in a variety of areas related to housing needs. The HUD-Certified Housing Counselor offers guidance, referrals, information, and support to families at risk of becoming homeless.

Search Local Affordable Housing:

This is a free, state resource for renters and property managers in Florida. Dynamic search options can help you find available rental housing fit your needs and income.

Submit Bids and Proposals for Rehabilitation and Replacement Housing Projects

Contractors interested in participating in our housing rehabilitation and replacement programs can access our current Invitation for Bids (IFB)/Request for Proposals (RFP).

Information and FAQ's

  • Community Development Division

    Housing and Community Development Coordinator : Deborah Ash

    Community Development administers programs that are designed to "bring you home" to quality living in an affordable residence and provide neighborhood improvements through community enhancement and housing assistance activities.
    1112 Manatee Ave W
    Bradenton, FL 34205
    More Information