Comprehensive Planning

Future Land Use Map

The Comprehensive Planning Section’s principal role is to protect the public good for the long-term future of Manatee County. This is done by analyzing the pros and cons of various scenarios, and balancing competing interests to reach community consensus. These shared community desires are given expression via Plans, Policies, and Strategies. This ensures that short term decisions are made in perspective of the long-term good.

The section updates and maintains the required Comprehensive Plan consistent with state laws and the local community vision. The Comprehensive Plan contains the long range policy structure for the County. It contains Goals, Objectives, and Policies on land use, transportation, environmental protection, coastal protection, affordable housing, utility services, and historic preservation. Per state law, the Comprehensive Plan is required to be thoroughly reviewed and updated every seven years [Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)] to meet the changing needs of our community.

This section conducts analysis on a wide variety of issues facing Manatee County. These issues have recently included: post disaster redevelopment plan; promoting urban development; protection and expansion of the industrial base; ensuring an available water supply and adequate school facilities; identification and protection of community character; and developing a coordinated land use plan with a supporting transportation network in the emerging suburban areas.

Comprehensive Plan