Contact Info
The West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND) is a multi-county special taxing district, comprised of Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, and Lee counties, with an estimated 1.1 million people. The District assists in the planning and implementation of waterway projects that promote safe navigation and the enjoyment of water-based activities.
Waterway Development Program (WWDP)
Categories for funding:
- Law Enforcement
- Navigation Improvement
- Environmental Education
- Boating Safety and Education
- Boating Recreation
Applications will be accepted from County departments/agencies, municipalities, and non-profit agencies each year. Upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners, these applications are forwarded to WCIND for formal acceptance in September. Applicants are notified and a formal contract is developed for each approved project.
County Navigation Improvement Fund (CNIF)
These funds are a designated portion of the WCIND reserves, which are allocated to be used by the respective Counties for navigation improvement only (primarily survey and dredging projects). The Board of County Commissioners can request these funds throughout the year as needed.

Service Output: Grant
Hours Available:
Eligibility: Everyone