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Apply for Splash! School Grants

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Splash! School Grants – Up to $3,000 for Your School!

Calling all public and charter school teachers (grades K-12): You’re eligible to apply for the Splash! grant program! Funded by SWFWMD, this program provides up to $3,000 to support freshwater education projects.

Use it to enhance your students’ knowledge and make a lasting impact!

Service Output: Grant

Hours Available: 24/7 Online

Eligibility: Public and charter school teachers (grades K-12)

Service Operators

Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD)

The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) manages the water resources for west-central Florida as directed by state law. Our mission is to protect water resources, minimize flood risks, and ensure the public’s water needs are met.
Hours Available
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
2379 Broad St
Brooksville, FL 34604