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How to Vacate County Interest in Real Property

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Complete the Vacation Application here

Vacating County Interest in Real Property

Property Acquisition is responsible for processing vacation requests for recorded subdivision plats, easements and right-of-way that have been dedicated for a public purpose.

Pre-Application Meeting

Before filing an application, a meeting with department staff is highly encouraged. Call division manager Charles Meador to schedule an appointment.

The applicant should determine in advance if the vacation action being requested will allow the applicant to accomplish their objective and/or resolve their problem. Each vacation is a business decision by the Board. The approval of a vacation request will not guarantee building permit or zoning approval, nor will the vacation of a right-of-way automatically cede ownership of the underlying land to the owner of the abutting property. Matters such as these should be addressed prior to making the application.


Vacation Fees

 Type of Property


Easement or Right-of-Way




Release of Deeded Easement


The applicant is also responsible for associated costs of the vacation process, including advertising and recording fees. Fees will not be refunded for withdrawn, canceled, or denied applications.


For instructions on how to complete the vacation application, click here.



Manatee County Service

Service Output: Application

Hours Available: 8 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday

Eligibility: Owning property on recorded subdivision plats, easements and right-of-way that have been dedicated for a public purpose.