Applications requiring a public hearing have the following public notice requirements:
Legal Notices will be placed by County staff for publication in the Bradenton Herald, a Manatee County newspaper of general circulation. The applicant is responsible for all costs of advertising.
- Two (2) advance notices of a public hearing are required for actions subject to § 177.101, Florida Statutes.
- One (1) advance notice of a public hearing is required for actions subject to § 336.09, et seq., Florida Statutes.
- Approved vacation actions subject to § 336.09, et seq. require the publication of a “Notice of Resolution” in a local newspaper.
- County staff will provide applicant with signage for posting a notice of a public hearing at the location of the property to be vacated.
- Signs must be clearly visible from the public roadway and must be placed within 15 feet of the front property line. Applicant must sign a notarized affidavit (form will be provided) attesting to the posting of signage.