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Construction Site Dewatering Authorization Process
The Construction Site Dewatering Authorization process is designed to protect Manatee County's sanitary sewer system from hydraulic overloading and the introduction of prohibited substances, which can result from dewatering activities at construction sites. This authorization is part of the Industrial Pretreatment Program.
Related Forms and Manuals
Construction Dewatering Authorization to Discharge Application
Construction Dewatering Application Manual
Authorization of Approved Representative
What is Construction Dewatering?
Dewatering involves temporarily pumping groundwater or stormwater away from a construction site. In many cases, this water is pollutant-free and can be safely discharged into a stormwater drainage system. However, if pollutants are present, the water may require pretreatment or discharge to the sanitary sewer, provided authorization is granted by the Wastewater Compliance office.
Authorization to Discharge to the Sanitary Sewer
- Businesses or entities must complete and submit a Construction Dewatering Authorization to Discharge Application before discharging wastewater into the County’s sanitary sewer system.
- The Construction Dewatering Authorization to Discharge Application Manual offers guidance for completing the application.
- Approved applicants will receive a discharge authorization, which must be signed and returned to the Wastewater Compliance office before initiating discharge.
- Signatory authority can be delegated to a representative by submitting an Authorization of Approved Representative Form with the application.
Wastewater Discharge Fees
Businesses or entities discharging wastewater from dewatering activities will incur fees as outlined in the Manatee County Government Rate Resolution.
Prohibited Substances in Construction Site Wastewater
To protect treatment infrastructure and staff, discharged wastewater must comply with the Manatee County Sewer Use Ordinance.
Prohibited substances include:
- Solids larger than 15 millimeters in any dimension.
- Materials such as ashes, sand, grass, and gravel.
- Total suspended solids (TSS) exceeding local limits.
Violations may result in liability for cleanup or repair costs, as well as damages caused by related sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs).
For further assistance, contact the Wastewater Compliance office to discuss regulatory requirements and obligations.
Phone: (941) 792-8811, x5180

Service Output: Application
Hours Available: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Eligibility: Must complete and be approved using Construction Dewatering Authorization Application.