Services and Contacts
Request a Utilities Locate: Sunshine 811
Identify and mark underground utilities, including water, sewer, reclaimed water, fiber optics, traffic interconnects, and street lighting, to prevent damage during excavation.
Request an Infrastructure Map
This online form is to help facilitate requests for Record Drawings, and Infrastructure Maps regarding potable water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water, fiber optic conduit, traffic signals, and interconnects.
View the Utilities Infrastructure Map
Utility Records manages as-built drawings, processes public requests for utility information, and maintains an as-built repository to ensure access to accurate underground infrastructure records for residents, businesses, and the community.
Manatee County Utilities
Utilities Records
Information and FAQ's
Utility Records, Mapping and Locate Division
We provide accurate, timely access to record drawings and underground infrastructure data, enabling residents, businesses, and contractors to understand, plan, and safely manage excavation, analysis, and maintenance within the County.