Services and Contacts
Petition for Neighborhood Potable Water Service
The process for property owners looking to request potable water service from the Manatee County Potable Water system.
Petition for Neighborhood Reclaimed Water Service
Process to request reclaimed water service.
Petition for Neighborhood Roadway Paving
Information about the process to request roadway paving.
Petition for Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Service
Process for requesting sanitary sewer service.
Petition for Neighborhood Stormwater Ditch Piping
Process for requesting stormwater ditch piping.
Petition for Neighborhood Street Lights
Process for requesting street lighting in your neighborhood.
- MSBU Brochure (pdf) (350 KB)
- Potable Water Line Extensions MSBU Process (pdf) (144 KB)
- Procedures For Requesting Traffic Calming (pdf) (55 KB)
- Reclaimed Water Line Extension MSBU Process (pdf) (247 KB)
- Road Paving MSBU Process (pdf) (200 KB)
- Road Paving Request Process (pdf) (200 KB)
- Sanitary Sewer Line Extension MSBU Process (pdf) (138 KB)
Information and FAQ's
Assessments which are not based upon millage and can become a lien against a property. Non-ad valorem assessments consist of two categories:
- Maintenance (levied annually) such as for street lighting
- Capital (levied for a set number of years) such as sanitary sewer line extensions.
A Special Assessment Project offers property owners within unincorporated Manatee County the opportunity to obtain new services or infrastructure that are not currently being provided. Examples include:
- Street Lighting
- Road Paving
- Sanitary Sewer Line Extension
- Potable Waterline Extension
- Reclaimed Waterline Extension
- Stormwater Ditch Piping
These services are paid through non-ad valorem assessments levied annually on the property taxes of the owners within a Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) district that is established for special assessment project.
Infrastructure Planning Division
The Engineering Services business center is responsible for designing, modeling, engineering, and managing projects related to improvements to County infrastructure. Among other duties, the engineering staff is responsible for overseeing the County’s Capital Improvement Program and Infrastructure Projects from design all the way through to managing construction.1022 26th Ave E
Bradenton, FL 34208